IT security teams face increased pressures

Security teams face threats from outside the organization but also challenges within to put protection in place and satisfy executive and regulatory demands.
Managed security company Trustwave has published its latest Security Pressures Report, compiling the thoughts of more than 1,400 IT security professionals around the world, addressing which emerging technologies pose the greatest risks, the top fears of post-breach repercussions, which security responsibilities are top priorities, and more.
Among the report's findings are that 63 percent of IT security pros say they felt more pressured over the last 12 months – up nine percent from last year. The skills gap is now the third biggest concern, up all the way from eighth last year -- and 52 percent say they would double their IT team if they could.
No surprise perhaps that the cloud is the emerging technology they feel most under pressure to adopt, but it's also seen as the riskiest. The UK also emerged as feeling less secure than the global average, and was the second most demanding of increased budgets after Canada.
Top of the security professionals wish list is more budget, demanded by 33 percent overall, more security expertise (20 percent) and fewer complex technologies (15 percent).
"Something which we see every year in these surveys is that people are feeling pressured to roll out IT projects without actually having the security ready," says Oliver Pinson-Roxburgh, Systems Engineering Manager for EMEA at Trustwave. "This means they can be putting their customers at risk by releasing products knowing they have security issues. Respondents say they're feeling more pressure from the board, which is now more involved in security decisions because of high profile breaches, but don't have the resources they need to comply with demands".
The full report is available to download from the Trustwave website.
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