To celebrate a decade of iTunes Movies, Apple is selling $10 film bundles

While the iTunes software on both macOS and Windows 10 is currently in need of some tender loving care, there is no denying that the overall platform changed the world. In a time when music piracy was rampant, Apple legitimized downloadable music, arguably saving that industry. It later introduced movie downloads too, making iTunes a brilliant media market.
Today, iTunes Movies celebrates 10 years of existence. To mark the occasion, Apple is selling some $10 movie bundles (technically, $9.99) that are seemingly a great value. In a world where everything is streaming and rentals, the iPhone-maker is giving you an opportunity to purchase and own a collection of films for a very low price. In other words, these are not rentals, folks!
There is not one bundle, but six, organized by movie studio. There are bundles from Warner Bros., Universal Studios, Paramount, Sony, and Lionsgate (which has two). Each bundle contains 10 films, meaning you are essentially paying $1 per movie. Believe it or not, most of them are high-quality selections that you and your family will actually want to watch -- there is very little filler.
Some of the quality comedy films included are Hangover, It's Complicated, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and Knocked up. On the drama side, you can get bundles that include titles such as Selma, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Captain Phillips. You will need to see which bundle(s) best fits your taste.
You can see a full list of the films in the comments below -- thanks, BoltmanLives!
If you want to take advantage of Apple's iTunes Movie bundle promotion, you can get them by going to You had better act fast, however, as the prices are only good for 24 hours!
After shopping at the iTunes Movies store, don't forget to enter our iTunes gift card giveaway here.