Anonymous' new weekly news show will make you angry

Four weeks ago, I reported on how hacktivist collective Anonymous was planning its own weekly news show. The aim of Teh Weekly News is, Anonymous says, to "balance establishment media by providing unregulated investigative news that has not been molded to corporate or government interests".
The first episode of the new show is available to watch below, and does a good job of covering all of the stories that likely anger you when they appear, often only fleetingly, in the mainstream news.
The 11-minute show, presented by "Evey Hammond" (the fictional protagonist of the V for Vendetta comic book series), and represented by an animated masked figure behind a news desk, covers exactly the sort of stories you would expect from Anonymous.
These include a Wells Fargo banking corruption hearing, shootings of unarmed civilians by police officers across various States, and Trump and Clinton’s leadership debate (or the "two least popular presidential candidates in history" having a "spat like whorehouse rivals", as Anonymous colorfully describes it).
The news program also covers US use of white phosphorus in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Teh Weekly News is an interesting idea, and very well put together, but whether the show will get enough viewers to make it a sustainable weekly project remains to be seen.
Watch the first episode below, and let me know your thoughts on it in the comments.