How to buy the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic today

While many people covet powerful current-generation consoles like Xbox One and PlayStation 4, others are more excited for something far less modern. Tomorrow, nostalgia takes front stage as Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic will hit store shelves.
Planning to buy one? Ha! Good luck. This refreshed 1980's console is expected to be both extremely popular and limited. Quite frankly, it will be virtually impossible to get. After all, it comes pre-loaded with 30 classic games. There will be many sad nerds this year when they find out there is no NES Classic under the Christmas Tree. Don't panic, however, as BetaNews has some tips for you.
Before you head to a brick and mortar store and get into a fist-fight with a fellow shopper, a safer option is to shop online. Amazon should be your main target, and it has sent the following email to interested buyers. Keep in mind, 2:00 p.m. PT is 5:00 p.m. on the East Coast!
The NES Classic will be available for sale at 2:00 p.m. PT on Friday, November 11. Purchases are limited to one per customer, and 1-Click Ordering will be disabled for this item. Please make sure you've updated your credit card and shipping information to help you move quickly through the checkout process. We have very limited quantities of this item, however we will be receiving additional quantities over the coming weeks. Please act quickly at 2:00 p.m. PT on Friday for your best chance at buying an NES Classic.
Got that folks? One-click ordering is turned off, giving everyone a fair chance. However, if you are not prepared, you could end up losing out. As Amazon suggests, make sure all of your credit card and address information is correct. Did your card's expiration number change recently? Have you moved to another address? If you waste seconds updating this tomorrow, you will be left in the dust!
ALSO READ: Nintendo unveils NES Classic Edition console with 30 included games
If you prefer to shop at a physical store, the most obvious advice is to get there early. In fact, you may want to get in line tonight -- yes, the situation is that serious. If you decide to camp out in front of a store, make sure you are safe and warm. Also, be sure to bring snacks and beverages. If you are under the age of 18, be sure to get a parent's permission too!
As crazy as it sounds, you may even want to invest in an adult diaper. Gross? Absolutely. But if you think someone will save your spot while you go to a restroom, you are being naive. Look, this is NES Classic we are talking about, society's rules are out the window. Not to mention, a determined parent wanting to get their child the hot toy can be ruthless.
Will you buy NES Classic tomorrow? Where will you do your shopping? Tell me in the comments.