FreeDriveC is a simpler, safer drive cleanup app

As you’ll guess from the name, FreeDriveC is yet another Windows application for freeing up space on your system drive. We’ve seen more than enough of these already, and we’ll bet you have, too.
But wait -- FreeDriveC isn’t all about emptying your TEMP folders or wiping browser history. Instead it’s more like a simple Control Panel applet, providing easy access to relevant Windows tools.
The simplicity is obvious when you look at the download, barely 20KB (yes, kilobytes) in size. Just unzip, launch and go.
A single dialog displays four panels highlighting various drive-related features, and giving you one-click access to key settings.
The first panel displays your hibernation status. This can tie up a huge amount of drive space if it’s enabled, but there’s a button here to turn it off.
The "Virtual memory" section displays the current amount of space your pagefile is using. If it’s too much, tapping "Advanced Performance Options" opens the Windows dialog where you could change those settings, perhaps limiting its size or switching it to another drive.
The "System protection" section lets you know whether System Restore is enabled, and gives you one-click access to System Restore settings.
The "Disk clean-up" section enables running the standard Disk Cleanup tool with preconfigured settings, or running the wizard to choose your options now.
Buttons at the bottom of the screen launch various applets, most usefully the "Programs and Features" applet to uninstall programs or surplus Windows features.
The status bar at the bottom of the screen displays your current system drive space as a figure and a percentage, and updates as you make changes to show the results.
None of this is too surprising, and by definition you could do the same thing by launching the individual tools manually. But FreeDriveC does make them easier to find, and overall it could be a useful and lightweight addition to your PC maintenance toolkit.
FreeDriveC is a free tool for Windows XP and later.