Twitch to stream free six-day marathon of classic Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes

Twitch was designed as a video game streaming service, but since Amazon bought it, it seems to be evolving into something more. While it is still primarily a platform for showing off gaming, people are using it for general videos, broadcasting pretty much anything. Heck, the service has even offered marathons of classic TV shows, such as Mister Rogers' Neighborhood and Power Rangers.
Today, Twitch announces its latest marathon offering -- Mystery Science Theater 3000. If you aren't familiar with the cult-classic show, it features a man and two puppet-robots that talk over old B-level films. In other words, you are sort of watching a movie along with them, but the comedic commentary is the real focal point -- not the actual film.
"The MST3K marathon will feature 38 of the classic episodes that originally aired on Comedy Central and Sci-Fi Channel from 1989 to 1997. Created by Joel Hodgson, the series follows a hapless host, trapped by mad scientists on a satellite in space, who is forced to watch some of the most outrageously unfortunate B movies ever created. To keep sane, he has built two robot sidekicks, and together they do a running commentary on the films, affectionately mocking their flaws with inspired wisecracks and acting as a demented movie theater peanut gallery," says Twitch.
Gene Pao, SVP of Digital Media at Shout! Factory explains, "We're thrilled to be bringing some of the very best of pop culture to Twitch with the launch of the Shout! Factory TV channel. Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the original movie riffing show, and encourages a community viewing experience in the same vein as Twitch. Past MST3K marathons, both on broadcast and streaming services, have been a popular fan tradition since the early days of the show, and we’re excited to share this tradition with a whole new audience."
The "MST3K" marathon will last an impressive six straight days, where 38 episodes will be shown. The experience begins on June 26th at 2pm ET. You will be able to access it here.
Are you a fan of the show? Tell me your favorite episode in the comments below.
Photo credit: thanasus/ Shutterstock