Apple embraces breastfeeding and zombies!
Apple is using World Emoji Day to preview upcoming emoji that will feature in iOS, macOS and watchOS later in the year. The new emoji include breastfeeding, a zombie, a woman in a headscarf, and a bearded man.
The company says that "the new emoji make it easier for users to express themselves with greater diversity, additional animals and creatures, new smiley faces and more," but not everyone is going to take it quite that seriously. Still... zombies!
The new emoji are to arrive in iOS 11 later in the year, and there are 56 new additions in total. The updates come as a result of the recently-announced Unicode 10 which set out a number of new emoji for companies to support.
Tim Cook shared details of the new emoji in a tweet:
????? Happy #WorldEmojiDay! ? We’ve got some ? new ones to show you, coming later this year! ??
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) July 17, 2017
Google also used Twitter to celebrate World Emoji Day with something of a cheeky tweet:
On #worldemojiday, spare a thought for the hard working letters & numbers who toil, without fanfare, as these smiley ?s take all the glory.
— Google UK (@GoogleUK) July 17, 2015
The emoji preview is not all Apple is doing to mark World Emoji Day:
Also in celebration of World Emoji Day, the App Store will be highlighting apps to create or do fun things with emoji, and iTunes Movies is featuring emoji in place of select movie titles.
What larks!