Street View comes to Google Earth VR

Virtual reality is hardly new, but the technology is finally getting to a point where it is fairly affordable and easy to use. It still has a long way to go before it can truly be considered mainstream, as for now, it is largely just for enthusiasts and gamers. There will need to be some truly great non-gaming uses to propel VR to the next level.
Google Earth VR is the type of application that could get people excited about virtual reality, and today, it gains an amazing new feature -- Street View. Yes, with the help of either an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, you can experience Street View in a more immersive way.
"With Google Earth VR, you can go anywhere in virtual reality. Whether you want to stroll along the canals of Venice, stand at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro or soar through the sky faster than a speeding bullet, there's no shortage of things to do or ways to explore. We love this sense of possibility, so we're bringing Street View to Earth VR to make it easier for you to see and experience the world," says Joanna Kim, Product Manager, Google Earth VR.
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Kim further says, "This update lets you explore Street View imagery from 85 countries right within Earth VR. Just fly down closer to street level, check your controller to see if Street View is available and enter an immersive 360 degree photo. You’ll find photos from the Street View team and those shared by people all around the world."
You can download the updated Google Earth VR immediately for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift using the appropriate links below.
If you don't have either of these pricey devices, you aren't necessarily out of luck. By using a compatible Android smartphone or iPhone, you can experience VR Street View using Cardboard using the app found here.
Image credit: jamesteohart / Shutterstock