Wag.com now redirects to Amazon and the company's new Wag pet brand

Branching out into yet another field, Amazon has launched its own pet product brand, Wag.
This is not the first time the company has launched an own-label product -- it has already enjoyed success with household goods and baby products. Available to Amazon Prime subscribers, the Wag line starts off with dry dog food, but it will expand into further supplies soon.
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Amazon purchased Quidsi -- the previous owner of Wag.com and other sites including Diapers.com, Soap.com and YoYo.com -- seven years ago and closed it down last year. The resurrection of Wag.com sees Amazon trying to muscle in on the turf of Chewy, PetSmart, and Petco, taking full advantage of its huge user base.
The Wag brand is only available to Prime subscribers, something Bloomberg attributes to the fact that pet food is a "difficult item to sell profitably online because it's heavy and expensive to ship". Head over to Wag.com to see what's on offer at the moment.