Download Debian-based MX Linux 19.1 now

Ever find yourself bored with the same ol' "mainstream" Linux-based operating system such as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Mint? Yeah, I get it. Sometimes you just want to dig a bit deeper and try out something a tad less known. It can be fun to distro-hop and try new things!
One such excellent Linux distribution is MX Linux. It has become wildly popular in the Linux community lately, but is still largely off the radar of those that aren't "in the know." Today, a new version of the operating system, MX Linux 19.1, becomes available for download. The Debian-based distro uses the Xfce desktop environment and comes pre-loaded with some great software, such as Firefox, LibreOffice, and more.
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"We are pleased to offer MX-19.1. for your use. MX-19.1 is a refresh of our MX-19 release, consisting of bugfixes and application updates since our original release of MX-19. If you are already running MX-19, there is no need to reinstall. Packages are all available thru the regular update channel," says The MX Dev Team.
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The team further says, "Due to the increasing presence of users with newer hardware (particularly newer AMD or Intel hardware), with this release, in addition to the standard 32 bit and 64 bit isos with 4.19 LTS kernels, we are producing a third iso that we call 'Advanced Hardware Support' or AHS (pronounced Oz) for short. AHS is 64 bit and ships with a debian 5.4 kernel, Mesa 19.2 as well as newer xserver drivers and various recompiled apps that will utilize the newer graphics stack."
The MX Dev Team shares significant changes below.
- Xfce 4.14
- GIMP 2.10.12
- MESA 18.3.6 (19.2.1 ahs)
- Latest debian 4.19 kernel (5.4 ahs)
- Browser: Firefox 73
- Video Player: VLC 3.0.8
- Music Manager/Player: Clementine 1.3.1
- Email client: Thunderbird 68.4.0
- Office suite: LibreOffice 6.1.5 (plus security fixes)
If you are looking to run MX Linux for the first time, or you're an existing user wanting to refresh your install media, you can grab an ISO here. If you do try it, please share your experience in the comments below.
Photo Credit: Vladimir Razgulyaev / Shutterstock