96 percent of developers believe security harms productivity

In a new survey of over 165 developers, AppSec and DevOps professionals, application security automation company ShiftLeft finds that 96 percent of developers believe the disconnect between developer and security workflows inhibits developer productivity.
When asked to prioritize, application security professionals rank creating developer-friendly security workflows as their top priority, even higher than protecting applications in production environments.
As organizations demand applications be built and delivered at an ever-increasing rate, enhancing developer productivity while also enhancing security is critical. The survey reveals that performing security scans too late in the software development lifecycle (89.7 percent) and lack of remediation guidance (87.7 percent) are also significant inhibitors to developer productivity.
To address these issues, ShiftLeft is releasing a new version of its NextGen Static Analysis (NG SAST), including new workflows purpose-built for developers that significantly improve security, while enhancing productivity.
It aims to produce a developer-centric approach to code analysis that greatly increases security and productivity by delivering the right vulnerability to the right developer at the right time.
"The only way to deliver security at the pace of modern SDLCs is to create a culture of individual developer accountability for the security of the code they write. However, this demands new AppSec solutions purpose-built for today's requirements," says Manish Gupta, CEO of ShiftLeft. "Based on our new survey, it’s clear developers feel ad hoc security processes and the tools they have available to them today aren't helping. We've always put productivity and security at the foundation of our platform, and our customers' results demonstrate that the new workflow is significantly improving their security postures while increasing developer productivity."
You can find out more on the ShiftLeft site.
Photo Credit: Oleg Ivanov IL/Shutterstock