Home security service Home8 is currently down, blames AWS [Update: Back up now]

These days a lot of us have home security systems to one degree or another. You may simply control your locks and perhaps a light; or you may be a little more invested in the technology, adding motion sensors, cameras, leak sensors and other little toys.
The thing you need most with all of this is an operational system keeping an eye on everything when you can’t. You rely on this for protection for yourself, your family and your property.
Today, security company Home8 is having server issues that it is placing blame for at the feet of Amazon. Specifically, the company’s Web Services division.
In an email to customers, Home8 gave the following statement:
Dear Valued Home8 Customer,
We’re experiencing a partial service outage due to issues related to Amazon Web Services. We have identified the problem being AWS’s unplanned server update. Our team is currently working to restore the service. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We will keep you updated on the status. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
If you have any additional concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out at [email protected]
As of this writing, the system remains down. There’s really no workaround that can be offered. Let us know if you learn any news on this situation.
[Update: Although there's been no official announcement yet, the service seems to be back up and running again.]