Three-quarters of IT departments face critical skills shortages

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A new report from digital learning company Skillsoft finds that 76 percent of IT decision makers worldwide are facing critical skills gaps in their departments -- a 145 percent increase since 2016.

The report looks at the reasons for this and reveals that 38 percent cite the rate of technology change outpacing their existing skills development programs as the primary driver, followed by difficulty in attracting qualified candidates (35 percent) and lack of investment in training resources (32 percent).

"Today's digital-first economy has presented significant opportunities for organizations. However, it has also created a dire need for new skills in cloud computing, cybersecurity, AI, DevOps, and many other critical tech areas," says Michael Yoo, general manager, technology and developer at Skillsoft. "Gaps in skills don't just disappear, they only grow wider if not properly addressed. While it is encouraging to see early signs of closing the gap, work is far from done. Organizations must place a bigger emphasis on investing in employee training, empowering professionals to earn new certifications, and filling vacant roles with diverse candidates."

In response to shortages, organizations are increasingly recognizing the role that professional development plays in combating skills gaps and raising employee morale and retention, with 56 percent of IT decision makers saying they have a plan in place to train existing team members. And, given that 80 percent of IT professionals report a range of benefits after achieving new skills and certifications -- including improved quality of work (49 percent), higher levels of engagement (32 percent), and faster job performance (27 percent) -- providing upskilling opportunities presents a win-win for both organizations and employees.

Indeed, respondents that switched employers within the past year cite a lack of growth and development opportunities as their top reason for doing so (59 percent), named ahead of better compensation (39 percent) and work/life balance (31 percent).

Salaries are increasing too, 52 percent of respondents say they received a raise in the past year. Of those, 60 percent attribute it to job performance, developing new skills, or obtaining an industry certification.

You can read more in the full report, available from the Skillsoft site.

Image Credit: Africa Studio / Shutterstock

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