Amazon backs down on not accepting UK Visa credit cards

Back in November last year we reported on Amazon's decision to stop accepting UK issued Visa credit cards due to high processing charges.
The change was due to take place this Wednesday (January 19) but it seems that an 11th hour deal may have been reached to allow customers to continue using their Visa cards.
In an email to customers this morning Amazon UK says:
The expected change regarding the use of Visa credit cards on will no longer take place on January 19. We are working closely with Visa on a potential solution that will enable customers to continue using their Visa credit cards on
Visa payments accounted for around £1.4 billion of Amazon's UK sales last year and a poll in December suggested that the decision on Visa credit cards had prompted 13 percent of customers to say they would either reduce their purchases or stop buying from Amazon altogether.
The message to customers goes on to say, "Should we make any changes related to Visa credit cards, we will give you advance notice. Until then, you can continue to use Visa credit cards, debit cards, Mastercard, American Express, and Eurocard as you do today."
Visa has yet to comment.
Photo credit: Yeamake / Shutterstock