New platform improves visibility across attack surfaces

There is an increasing level of crossover and connectivity between IT, operational technology (OT) and IoT assets, which raises the risk of cyberattacks originating in IT systems and then spreading into OT environments.
To help businesses address this risk Tenable is launching a new exposure management platform that provides holistic visibility into assets across IT and OT environments.
Tenable One for OT/IoT extends visibility beyond IT, to include OT and IoT, and helps security leaders obtain a clear picture of true exposure across their entire attack surface. This allows organizations to prioritize security risks wherever they reside -- whether in the cloud, data center, or the OT environment -- and to understand how these risks create attack paths across their infrastructure.
Users of the platform can also view their global exposure, including OT assets, to see how their security posture compares to other companies in their industry and gain additional insights from their OT assets to make better decisions, faster.
"On a daily basis we witness threat actors finding creative ways to disrupt businesses through non-traditional paths. Risk doesn’t end at IT. For those that rely on physical computing technology, OT and IoT often power their most business-critical activities. Any disruption is extremely damaging and often results in an inability to function," says Amir Hirsh, SVP and general manager of OT Security at Tenable. "We understand that OT environments require a different approach from IT and we've designed our security solution so teams no longer have to choose between cybersecurity or productivity. They can have both."
You can find out more on the Tenable site and there will be a webinar, The Invisible Bridge: How to Effectively Discover, Measure, and Minimize the Risk Posed by Your Interconnected IT/OT/IoT Environments on March 26th at 2pm ET.
Image credit: Gorodenkoff/