Ian Barker

Authenticated content, improved technology and secretless access -- identity predictions for 2024

Despite moves towards other means of authentication passwords are still widely used, making protecting digital identities a problem.

But identity affects other areas too, such as being able to verify content and devices, things which are likely to come more more into focus as we approach significant elections in the US and UK. Here are some expert views on the identity landscape for 2024.

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Sophisticated attacks, changing authentication and quantum threats -- cybersecurity predictions for 2024


Whether it's due to high-profile attacks or new defensive technologies, the world of cybersecurity is never far from the news.

Here is what some industry experts think the cybersecurity trends will be in the coming year.

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External attack surface management [Q&A]


The external attack surface -- those assets which face the internet -- is attracting a lot of attention at the moment, with Gartner naming it as a top security risk.

To find out more about external attack surface management (EASM) and why organizations need to take it seriously, we spoke to Rickard Carlsson, CEO of Detectify.

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Faster problem solving, more investment and time travel attacks -- quantum predictions for 2024

Although quantum computing is still some way from commercial reality for most people and organizations, the technology is developing.

Many of the concerns surrounding it are about what a world of post-quantum computing might mean for cybersecurity. We asked industry experts what they think is in store for quantum in 2024.

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New risks, new opportunities and democratization -- AI predictions for 2024

AI, particularly widely available tools like ChatGPT, has made big waves in 2023. Is this set to continue into next year or will we see a different approach to using the technology?

Here are the views of some industry experts.

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Mandatory protections, higher premiums and continued growth -- cyber insurance predictions for 2024

insurance key

The high costs, both financial and reputational, of dealing with a cyberattack along with tighter regulations that means attacks must be reported have meant that many more organizations are seeking to protect themselves with cyber insurance.

This is still a relatively new and developing field, so what do industry experts think we'll see in the cyber insurance market in 2024?

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Consolidation of products, closer attention to security and cost increases -- cloud predictions for 2024

The cloud has become a familiar feature of most computing environments over the last decade, but that doesn't mean that the technology is standing still.

Here are some industry expert views on what we can expect from the cloud scene in 2024.

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Why traditional CMS are an innovation bottleneck and federated content platforms are the future [Q&A]

Traditional content management systems (CMS) developed at a time when all that was needed was to post some text and a few images. But as consumer and business needs have evolved they can prove to be a bottleneck when it comes to innovating and improving a web presence.

Michael Lukaszczyk, the CEO and co-founder of content platform Hygraph, argues that enterprises need a future-proof solution. We talked to him to find out more.

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AI, efficiency and a rise in citizen developers -- development predictions for 2024

As with many other areas this year, software development has been greatly influenced by the rise in AI. But that's not the only area where things are changing.

Here’s what some industry experts think the development sector has in store for 2024.

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How AI is weaponized for cyberattacks

A new report from Abnormal Security highlights real-world examples of how AI is being used to carry out cyberattacks.

Generative AI allows scammers to craft unique email content, making detection that relies on matching known malicious text strings infinitely more difficult.

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PSD3, Banking-as-a-Service and fewer passwords -- fintech predictions for 2024

In recent years, the financial sector has seen some of the biggest changes in the way technology is used. New regulations and disruptive technologies like blockchain, along with the rise of open banking, have seen traditional players scrambling to keep up with more agile newcomers.

So what does the fintech sector have in store in 2024? Here are the views of some industry experts.

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Use of distributed cloud expected to rise over the next year


Both developers and decision makers are seeing a shift in the market towards a more decentralized cloud, according to new research.

The study from Akamai, in partnership with ClearPath Strategies and SlashData shows 55 percent of developers already actively work on distributed cloud architectures, 87 percent of ITDMs expect their use of the distributed cloud to increase over the next 12 months.

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What is open source silicon root of trust? [Q&A]

You may have come across the term 'root of trust', it’s a source, such as a hardware module, that can always be trusted within a cryptographic system. The system trusts the keys and other cryptographic information it receives from the root of trust module as always authentic and authorized.

Mostly this involves being tied into a specific vendor, but OpenTitan has developed an open source silicon root of trust for use in for use in data center servers, storage, peripherals, and more.

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Majority of cyberattacks delivered over encrypted channels

In total, 86 percent of all cyber threats, including malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks, are delivered over encrypted channels, according to a new report.

The study from Zscaler also shows threats over HTTPS grew by 24 percent from 2022, underscoring the sophisticated nature of cybercriminal tactics that target encrypted channels.

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Mobile app developers turn to AI for testing

The use of AI tools for mobile app development and testing is growing, and developers and testers are keen to further expand the use of these tools, according to a new report.

The study from Kobiton finds 60 of respondents say they are currently using generative AI tools in their QA cycles to update scripts or code, 55 percent are using these tools to analyze test results, and 47 percent are using them to generate test scripts.

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