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Why Data Quality is critical for business

Data Stream

Since the explosion of technology in the last few decades, data has been increasingly positioned as a silver bullet that can fix all the trials and tribulations of the modern world. For those giant tech companies who amassed mass amounts of (mostly) third-party data, data was the new oil -- sold in barrels to any company wanting to find and scale an audience. But KPIs on data effectiveness became increasingly viable, businesses began to question the amount of data they’d bought.  

Parallel to this, governments and consumer rights groups became aware of the increasing volume of unwanted noise being thrown at potential clients and customers. Businesses, both B2B and B2C, became liable for data missteps -- case in point with Meta being fined 17m euro for what amounted to bad data housekeeping.

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How to pay off your technical debt -- and why you should

Financial management is crucial as personal and business expenditures grow. Understanding where efficiency can be boosted and where costs can be cut is vital for a positive business cash flow. Something which may be overlooked is your technical debt. 

Here we explore how to know whether you are facing technical debt, how it might be harming your business, and how to get out of it.

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How fake data can help to combat breaches [Q&A]

September this year marked five years since the notorious Equifax data breach which exposed the social security numbers, birthdates, credit card details, and more of millions of customers.

But how much has the industry learned from this breach? And what measures can be used to help avoid similar issues in the future? We spoke to Ian Coe, co-founder at to find out why fake data might be the answer.

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Your personal data has become an AI training manual and you're not getting it back

AI Face

Art imitates life, that we all know. But what if art imitates your personal life, your personal likeness and does it so well that the line between what is real and surreal blurs?

Unbeknownst to us, we are becoming models for state-of-the-art AI technology that trains on terabytes of poorly filtered data scraped from all over the web. This data can include our personal photos, medical images, and even copyrighted content -- basically, anything ever posted online.

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How far will you go to protect your personal data?

No longer shop with a brand? Pay more for goods and services from a company with a better privacy record? Stop using an app?

All of these and more are actions people are prepared to take if they find out organizations aren't keeping their data safe, according to a new report from DataGrail.

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How to tell your customers that you've been hacked [Q&A]

The short-term costs of a cyberattack are significant. Investigating and containing a breach, rebuilding IT systems and implementing new security controls, as well as the loss of productivity, can all cause severe financial strain.

However, the long-term costs of a breach are often even more damaging. Enterprises that do not handle an attack well can suffer a number of further consequences, including reputational damage, a loss of customer loyalty and a drop in share prices.

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What does cloud native security actually look like? [Q&A]

cloud lock

Cybersecurity is a priority for all enterprises. We regularly see news of data breaches across a wide range of industries, and as workforces increasingly move to a hybrid model the issue becomes more acute.

As businesses undergo digital transformation they need to update not only their tools but also their attitude toward keeping systems secure. We spoke to Pravin Kothari, executive vice president, product and strategy at cloud security company Lookout to find out why in a cloud-native world security needs a different approach.

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Over 80 percent of companies have had cloud security incidents in the last year

Secure cloud

According to a new report 81 percent of organizations have experienced a cloud-related security incident over the last 12 months, with almost half (45 percent) suffering at least four incidents.

The findings, from machine identity management specialist Venafi, reveal that the underlying issue for these security incidents is a dramatic increase in security and operational complexity connected with cloud deployments.

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How to use data to anticipate consumer behavior [Q&A]

Businesses are starting to recognize the advantages of leveraging data-driven approaches to improve customer experience. These approaches are also hugely valuable when included in strategic roadmaps to increase engagement and return on investment.

Analytical data is ideal for businesses wanting to assess the needs of their target customers to deliver personalized experiences and attain more accurate forecasting and demand planning. Moreover, data from analytics promotes more effective inventory and supply chain management, compounding supply and fulfillment issues businesses are currently experiencing

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Understanding how all businesses can benefit from voice analytics

voice recognition

Voice and speech analytics refers to the process of analyzing recorded conversations such as phone calls to gain insights into customer behavior and call quality, often utilizing AI by employing a Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine that uses context and emotional clues to determine more accurately what is being said.

In utilizing voice analytics solutions, businesses are now able to spot keywords and phrases, as well as detect sentiment and emotional context using pitch, pacing, and language clues to observe whether a conversation is going in the right direction or if it’s going downhill. By evaluating the tone of a customer’s voice, businesses can assess whether their customers are satisfied, annoyed, or upset. 82 percent of customers now consider no longer engaging with a business if they feel they have had a poor customer experience, so understanding potential issues before they arise may be the single most valuable thing a business can do to retain customers.

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How AI and computer vision can help retailers to compete [Q&A]

The rise of online retail coupled with the pandemic have brought about some unprecedented changes to the retail landscape in recent years.

But as consumers now start to venture back into stores, how can retailers make use of technology to effectively compete with their online counterparts and with other brick-and-mortar businesses?

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Why solving the identity management crisis facilitates the adoption of digital transformation

digital transformation

Identity data is frequently stored by organizations using a variety of sources, formats, and protocols, sometimes making it impossible to access essential identity information needed for security and business decisions. Without precise identity data, systems cannot decide what users should and should not be able to access which resources. Even worse, to make life easier for the admins, sometimes the default is overextending access and over-privileging accounts. This raises the possibility of a successful breach, as well as the possibility that it will go unnoticed for a longer period of time.

The number of identities linked to companies has also been increasing exponentially -- a recent study by Gartner Peer Insights  found that 60 percent of organizations have more than 21 identities per user.

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Critical infrastructure cyberattacks: What are the implications of their increasing prevalence?

hand on world map

Over the past couple of years, there have been a growing number of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure around the world. Most recently, Estonia was subjected to its most extensive cyberattack since 2007, apparently in retaliation to the country removing Soviet-era monuments from public places. Earlier this year, Costa Rica had to declare a state of emergency after a Russian-speaking ransomware gang threatened to overthrow the government in the wake of two cyberattacks. In July last year, South Africa’s ports were almost totally shut down after a ransomware attack.

While these attacks are of varying severity -- Estonia experienced minimal disruptions to critical websites while Costa Rican health officials were unable to access critical healthcare records and tax systems were frozen for weeks -- they show that cybercrime is no longer just about obtaining data. Instead, cybercrime is being used against real-world infrastructure and with very real consequences.

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How decentralized storage can help prevent data breaches [Q&A]


According to a recent IBM report the average cost of a data breach is now $4.35 million. If enterprises don't take steps to protect personal data effectively they risk losing not just money but also the trust of their customers.

We spoke to Saswata Basu, founder and CEO of 0Chain, to discuss how decentralized storage can help to address the problem.

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Digital afterlife: A chance to live forever or never rest in peace?

Have you ever thought about what happens after your physical shell expires? What legacy will you leave and what becomes of it with time? We can give our tangible belongings to friends and family. If the work is copyrighted, the protection will usually extend well beyond the author’s lifespan.

The law has, however, yet to catch up with the times as we also share, store and use tons of information online. That encompasses our digital identity, which is often left unattended after death, lingering at the digital graveyard at the mercy of tech giants.

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