Search Results for: gdpr

How Artificial Intelligence is set to revolutionize industries

There’s no denying that technology has been the key to evolution for almost every industry. From transport to gaming, sports to healthcare, improvements to processes and capabilities have been attributed to rapidly innovating technology. This is particularly prominent in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). What was once reserved for sci-fi movies is now actively a part of our everyday lives, and it’s set to pave the future -- perhaps autonomously!

In this article, we take a look at how AI is set to ignite several key industries.

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Container security and compliance remains a challenge as deployment speeds ahead

open digital lock

A report released today finds that while adoption of container architectures and microservices continues at an impressive pace, maintaining automated and proactive security and compliance is a major challenge.

The study, from container security specialist NeuVector, polled over 1,200 DevOps professionals attending KubeCon EU 2021 and shows over 89 percent have container deployments active, and 88 percent are planning additional deployments in the next six to 12 months.

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Why big data warehousing is the next frontier for boosting CX

It’s been decades since the term "the customer is always right" placed customer experience (CX) at the heart of every transaction, but delivering excellence in CX hasn’t become much simpler with the passage of time.

Customers effectively expect businesses to read their minds, and they don’t have much patience for those that fail. A recent PWC survey concluded that one-third of consumers would abandon a brand they love after just one negative experience, showing just how high the bar is set for CX.

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Data governance -- balancing security against risk [Q&A]

Data governance

Data is the lifeblood of businesses, but managing it effectively and keeping it secure presents some significant challenges.

How do you ensure that you have the latest information for example? And how can you be certain your compliance procedures are up to date?

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Why a 'one-size-fits-all' approach to data classification won't deliver in an era of enhanced regulation

In 2018 the European GDPR irrevocably changed the whole data privacy landscape. Since it was implemented there have been a host of other privacy regulations such as CCPA, CMMC, and India PDP, coming into force around the world. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago the Colorado Governor signed the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) into law, the latest in the recent wave of state privacy legislation in the US and unlikely to be the last. The CPA will take effect July 1, 2023, six months after Virginia’s Consumer Data Protection Act (CDPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) become effective.

Following the implementation of such data protection and privacy regulations, there have been plenty of high-profile cases and fines issued. This further underpins the need to ensure sensitive information is handled in the correct manner and reinforces that this is a government requirement that organizations can no longer ignore.  For example, just this month British Airways settled a legal claim from some of the 420,000 people affected by a major 2018 data breach. The breach affected both customers and BA staff and included names, addresses, and payment-card details. The UK Information Commissioner's Office handed BA its largest fine to date -- £20m -- over the "unacceptable" failure to protect customers.

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Six months on from Brexit, how has it affected the IT industry?

Brexit flags

It's now been five years since the United Kingdom voted in a referendum to leave the European Union, and six months since it actually left.

With the promise of freedom to 'take back control' of the UK's borders, potential new opportunities for Britons and a plan to make the UK a global leader in innovation, there's still a lot up in the air. What has been apparent, however, is that almost all aspects of businesses have been impacted by Brexit in some way or other, from supply chain complications, to staff shortages, to confusion around GDPR and data protection rules.

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Is AI actually you?

This seems like a great time to ask this question, as it might not matter soon. With the direction things are heading, we may soon arrive at an intersection where the blurring of identity reality and identity fiction is so extreme that we’ll simply stop asking what is authentic personhood. 

Case in point, a story out of Paris in July outlines not a dystopian future, but a troubling present reality. The piece recounts the story of computer-generated YouTube storytime videos. The genre is pretty much what it sounds like:

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Tackling the cyber threat to manufacturing businesses

Ransomware skull

The manufacturing industry has become a major target for ransomware attacks. The reason is simple: if criminals can cripple the operational technology that controls the manufacturing plant, a company will rapidly come to its knees. With no product to sell, any company will fear for its existence -- and with that fear, the criminals believe any manufacturing company will be more likely to pay a sizable ransom to stay in business. Sophisticated cyber criminals understand this. They choose and research their targets and set their ransom to the maximum amount they believe the company can afford to pay.

For many years, the manufacturing industry didn’t worry about cyber threats. Its operational technology (OT) was air-gapped from outside interference, and was therefore safe from external compromise. This is no longer true. The advent of the fourth industrial revolution -- otherwise known as business digitisation -- has eroded that airgap. IT and OT are now totally interdependent. Bringing down a manufacturing company’s IT will almost certainly have a knock-on effect against its OT.

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How security teams can manage data protection post Brexit

EU and UK data-driven businesses no doubt breathed a sigh of relief with the EU recently approving the continued flow of data between the EU and UK.

But the news is just one hurdle as Cyber Security Officers (CSOs) and information security teams both in mainland Europe and the UK consider challenges that lie ahead and prepare to flex as necessary in a new era in data management. Now more than ever, it is the security leaders that work collaboratively with legal and data counterparts who will conquer.

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Why open banking apps must stay secure to earn consumer trust [Q&A]

online banking

Traditional banks are realizing that they must develop more user-friendly open banking apps if they're not to lose customers to fintech startups.

But it's critical that these apps gain the trust of consumers if open banking is to succeed. We spoke to Jasen Meece, CEO of Cloudentity to discuss how financial services companies can ensure their open banking apps and partners adhere to compliance standards and protect consumer’s personal data.

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New app helps manage employee photo usage rights

fake identities

Ensuring consent for the use of digital assets can be a bit of a nightmare. But a new solution from FotoWare ensures that employee photos are only used with the full consent of the subject, freeing content creators and managers who can quickly review, and refresh consents if usage changes.

FotoWare's Consent Management offers mobile and email based signature collection, along with searching and filtering media based on consent status.

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How to address the FTC guidance on AI today

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently published a blog entitled "Aiming for truth, fairness, and equity in your company's use of AI" that should serve as a shot across the bow for the large number of companies regulated by the FTC. 

Signaling a stronger regulatory stance on deployed algorithms, the FTC highlights some of the issues with AI bias and unfair treatment and states that existing FTC regulations -- such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, and the FTC ACT -- all still apply and will be enforced with algorithmic decision-making.

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New platform wants to simplify application security

Business security

The transition to agile development, the rise of microservices, and an increased reliance on cloud services for business operations due to the pandemic have all contributed to an explosion in software development and a dramatic reduction in software delivery time.

But as the speed and complexity of application development skyrockets, application security professionals increasingly find themselves unable to keep up. Silicon Valley startup ArmorCode has produced a next-generation application security solution that consolidates three key AppSec needs into a single intelligent platform and it's raised $3 million in seed financing to develop it further.

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The normalization of data leaks and the privacy paradox [Q&A]

privacy key

Is society becoming too accepting of data breaches? Do we claim to want more privacy but then continue to treat our own data in a cavalier fashion?

A recently leaked internal memo from Facebook revealed the company's plans to normalize data scraping leaks and change the way the public views these incidents.

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New platform offers safe, self-service data sharing

real-time data

In order to get the best value from data it's important that it's accessible to the right people in the business at the time they need it.

Data privacy specialist Privitar is announcing a new data provisioning platform that makes self-service data available safely, at scale, to the people who need it.

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