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Updated platform helps enterprises adapt to security in a post-pandemic world

2Fa phone

The digital transformation efforts spurred by COVID 19 have created major problems for enterprises in navigating privacy and security and put identity security high on the priorities list for this shift to a new, flexible work model

Identity management platform SecureAuth has announced updates to its platform to allow businesses to address these challenges.

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The emergence of an alternative internet

Wow, 2020 was quite the year! Not just because of the pandemic that stopped the offline world, but because of some of the terrifying things that rocked our online world as well.

These are the ones that disturbed me the most:

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How changes to tracking will affect the online world [Q&A]

The Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) is a random device identifier assigned to a user's device which advertisers use to track data so they can deliver customized advertising.

But Apple is about to replace the iOS IDFA tracking system in iOS 14 with a new App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature which will allow iPhone users to opt-out of tracking on third-party apps and sites. This, plus Google's crack down on third-party cookies, means privacy is a hot topic currently -- and all signs point to even more shifts in the coming year.

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Tightly knit information security and knowledge management together

security meter

Cyber criminals have thrived during this pandemic. In the first quarter of 2020, DDoS attacks rose by 278 percent compared to the corresponding quarter in the previous year. UK business alone are estimated to have lost over £6.2 million to cyber scams through social engineering. Globally, taking advantage of people’s vulnerabilities and the overnight pivot to 'working from home', fraudsters tricked people into clicking on links to download malware and collect confidential corporate information. Threats of ransomware increased as well.  

It’s no surprise then that to combat this situation, many enterprises, and especially professional services firms, who have long been targeted by cyber criminals, view adopting need-to-know security measures as a priority. It presents a sound way to restrict access to corporate data to those who need it or are authorized to view the information in today’s 'work from anywhere' business environment.

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The challenges of navigating breach notification rules [Q&A]

Data breach

New and updated privacy legislation is being launched around the world and a key component of these acts is breach notification requirements, which mean a business is required to notify individuals when their information falls into the hands of an attacker.

We spoke to Ralph Nickl, founder and CEO of Canopy Software to find out what what enterprises and consumers need to know about these laws and the challenges that compliance brings.

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Compliance in your marketing? It's more necessary than you think

Marketing compass

Recently, a report conducted by PFL and Demand Metric -- which surveyed nearly 600 marketing professionals across a variety of different industries -- revealed data accuracy, understanding audience needs, and branding as the three most important factors to multichannel marketing campaign success.

Data is critical for marketers conducting multichannel marketing campaigns because it’s used to personalized messages and reaching prospects at the right moment in their customer journey. When marketers rely on and analyze data within multichannel marketing initiatives and campaigns, they can measure and improve strategies in real-time, allowing for better, more segmented outreach. Without data to inform campaigns, marketers might as well write a message on a paper airplane and throw it out the window.

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Millions of medical images openly available online

Medical data risk

The analyst team at digital risk protection firm CybelAngel has discovered that more than 45 million medical imaging files, including X-rays and CT scans, are freely accessible on unprotected servers.

The findings are the result of a six-month investigation into Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM), the de facto standard used by healthcare professionals to send and receive medical data.

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Businesses positive about data governance but still struggle with privacy concerns

Diagram of Data Governance

According to new research 72 percent of enterprises believe data governance is an enabler of business value rather than a cost center.

However, the study from enterprise search specialist Sinequa also shows that data privacy concerns are ranked as a top barrier to being more data-driven as an organization.

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Dealing with the security risks of unstructured data [Q&A]

Unstructured data

Businesses are increasingly reliant on data. In the past that's generally been in a structured form but, thanks to increasing amounts of customer information gleaned via the IoT and channels like social media, unstructured data has taken on a new importance.

Yet unstructured data also introduces new risks. AI-based solutions specialist Concentric is launching a new data access governance solution that addresses the challenge of unstructured data security. We spoke to Karthik Krishnan, CEO at Concentric, to find out more.

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The importance of TLS/SSL decryption in a zero-trust model

With upwards of two-thirds of UK adults set to work remotely for the remainder of this year, it’s clear that the pandemic will create a larger attack surface, and increase opportunities for cyber criminals. In effect, the enterprise perimeter has not only expanded but it has also become much more distributed.

Likewise, modern cyber attacks are not just limited to network intrusion from the outside. Internal threat actors can often be found at the center of sophisticated attacks. Therefore, today, threats come from both inside and outside the organization, via the business partner and supplier ecosystem, and through employees working remotely. This means we need to re-assess and re-think the way we defend our networks, users and data. For example, organizations will need more support around connecting and managing BYOD devices on the home network, including sharing of policies and tools around sensitive data, which could be accessed via insecure Wi-Fi. Additionally, with ransomware, phishing and DDoS attacks growing exponentially, they will also be looking for technologies that enable them to protect networks from cyber attacks, especially those that threaten network availability.

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How AI can help enterprises stay on top of data governance [Q&A]

Data governance

Security breaches and privacy violations can cost businesses dearly. not only in financial penalties but also by causing damage to their reputation.

Keeping tabs on your data and how it's used is an essential part of staying in control and it's an area where AI can help. We spoke to Amar Kanagaraj, founder and CEO of AI-powered data protection and data governance specialist oneDPO to find out more.

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The challenge of effectively securing collaboration tools [Q&A]

remote work

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many more organizations to adopt remote working. This in turn has led to a boom in the use of tools like Teams and Zoom to help employees communicate.

Securing those tools though presents some serious challenges ensuring that, for example, they aren't used, inadvertently or on purpose, to leak sensitive information.

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COVID crisis drives increased security investment

Lock and money

A new report from Thycotic reveals that 58 percent of IT security decision makers say their organizations plan to add more security budget in the next 12 months, and almost three out of five believe that in the next financial year they will have more security budget because of COVID-19.

More than three quarters (77 percent) of respondents have received boardroom investment for new security projects either in response to a cyber incident in their organization (49 percent) or through fear of audit failure (28 percent).

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Four steps to securing sensitive data in the cloud

Data cloud lock

For organizations across the globe, the journey to effectively manage, and extract value from, sensitive data in the cloud isn’t a new one. IT and security professionals have long struggled with challenges to the easy adoption of cloud technologies, and the question of how to ensure that data, including personal identifiable information (PII) or sensitive data, stays safe and compliant with regulatory requirements, without sacrificing data utility, remains a top challenge.

In 2020, the ongoing global pandemic increases this obstacle as remote work drives businesses to move more activity to the cloud quickly. A cloud usage survey released in May found organizations had already surpassed their 2020 cloud spend budget by 23 percent -- highlighting the question of how well data is being protected during this shift to home offices.

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The challenges of hybrid cloud adoption [Q&A]

cloud data cable

Cloud is used for all kinds data processing nowadays, but there are still some things that need to be kept in-house, either for performance, compliance or other reasons.

This has given rise to the hybrid model, offering a mix of cloud and on-premise solutions, becoming increasingly popular. We spoke to Derek Taylor, lead principal security consultant at Trustwave, to find out more about the security and supply chain challenges that hybrid adoption presents.

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