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89 percent of organizations expect to increase data security budgets

computer piggy bank and cash

A new report from Normalyze shows that 89 percent of organizations expect to see a significant or moderate increase in data security budgets over the next 12 months, driven by the escalating threat landscape and stringent regulatory requirements like GDPR and HIPAA.

The report, based on research by Omdia, finds top security priorities include reducing the opportunity for threats to infiltrate data stores (59 percent), improving data security posture (53 percent), and demonstrating ROI through improved reporting and business communication (42 percent).

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Business security: Advancements in on-premise and online tech solutions

Biometric access control, video surveillance, and intrusion alarms enhance on-site protection by promptly addressing unauthorized access -- these advanced systems monitor who enters your facilities and allow for real-time responses to incidents.

Meanwhile, cybersecurity remains a key aspect of business demanding great attention. The emergence of generative AI and automation technologies can evaluate threats and make decisions significantly faster, heightening the effect of your defense mechanisms.

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EU Directive Network and Information Security (NIS2): Modernizing security compliance

Often perceived as a necessary evil in the past, organizations are taking an increasingly proactive and committed approach to the regulation of technology and cybersecurity. Many are even going a step further by embracing independent standards to fill any gaps legislation may not address or, while waiting for laws to catch up with new developments.

Given today’s searing pace of change, characterized by the rapid rise of technologies like GenAI, this marks a positive way forward for businesses that care about their customers as well as their profits.

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Encrypted privacy for the public's safety

One of the many challenges government and local authorities constantly face is that of keeping up with changes and innovations coming from the outside: conflicts and emergencies, environmental factors, inputs from industries and productions and, of course, evolving technologies. Whether these are developed in the private or public sector, or the academic community, it is unquestionable that tech innovations are tightly woven into everyday life.

These innovations frequently move forward at a speedy pace, spreading across different fields and inevitably reaching a level of integration that can no longer be left to the sole responsibility of the individuals. Thankfully, governments and organizations are increasingly wisening up when it comes to new and emerging technologies, whether this means creating ad hoc policies and regulations (the UK AI bill, the European AI act, the American Privacy Rights Act, or Chat Control) or taking targeted actions towards specific platforms or providers compromising users’ privacy like the TikTok ban for federal and state employees in the USA.

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How to optimize AI at the edge and retain data sovereignty

Artificial intelligence (AI) is fundamentally transforming the way businesses operate and the value they can deliver to customers. Industry body techUK cites estimates that the UK’s GDP could be up to 10 percent higher by 2030 thanks to AI adoption. But first there are major cost, efficiency and data governance challenges to solve. This is where edge computing comes into its own -- offering a fast, resilient and cost-effective way to run transformative AI applications. Even better, it can help organizations to meet requirements around sustainability and data sovereignty.

The key will be finding a database platform that can seamlessly support both traditional cloud and edge computing environments in this context.

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Collective digital leadership: Why non-technical leaders should share tech ownership

In today's hyper-competitive, rapidly evolving market, the demand for seamless digital interactions has never been higher. The modern workforce expects seamless digital interactions, instant access to information, and intuitive tools that support both their work and personal growth. In this new paradigm, non-technical teams need the power to innovate without the confines of complex development environments. They also must bear more responsibility for the strategic deployment of technology.

This has led to forward-thinking organizations exploring leadership models that reflect the shared need for rapid, strategic deployment of technology. A recent Gartner survey found that 46 percent of CIOs are shifting to co-owning digital leadership. According to the firm’s report, “CIOs who co-own efforts with their CxO peers to place the design, management and delivery of digital capabilities with teams closest to the point where value is created, are most effective at maximizing digital investments.”

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How the rush to regulate AI could bring new cyber security challenges

Artificial-intelligence, AI

Since the arrival of generative AI, its potential to increase challenges associated with privacy and cyber security has become a major concern. As a result, government bodies and industry experts are hotly debating how to regulate the AI industry.

So, where are we heading and how is the crossover between AI and cyber security likely to play out? Looking at the lessons learnt from previous efforts to regulate the cyber security market over the past few decades, achieving anything similar for AI is a daunting prospect. However, change is essential if we are to create a regulatory framework that guards against AI's negative potential without also blocking the positive uses that AI is already delivering.

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Securing AI copilots is critical -- here's how


The use of AI copilots is already helping businesses save time and gain productivity. One recent study found that employees who gain proficiency using copilots saved 30 minutes a day, the equivalent of 10 hours a month, while the average employee saved 14 minutes a day, or nearly five hours each month.

AI copilots essentially allow people to interact with business productivity tools for greater efficiency. You can ask these tools questions, synchronize data and perform automated actions in an easier and better way. In the survey referenced above, 70 percent of users reported greater productivity while 68 percent said it improved the quality of their work. However, while the business benefits are significant, these copilots can also introduce new security risks that organizations must be aware of -- and have a plan for.

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Is over-focusing on privacy hampering the push to take full advantage of AI? 

In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby declared that data is the new oil -- and so could be the fuel source for a new, data-driven Industrial Revolution. 

Given that he and his wife helped Tesco make £90m from its first attempt at a Clubcard, he should know. And it looks like the “derricks” out there are actually pumping that informational black gold up to the surface: the global big data analytics market is predicted to be more than $745bn by 2030 -- and while it may not be the most dependable metric, Big Tech is throwing billions at AI at a rate described as “some of the largest infusions of cash in a specific technology in Silicon Valley history”. 

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It's time to get proactive on the UK's critical national infrastructure (CNI) security -- but where to start?

Risk dial

The critical national infrastructure that underpins the UK has undergone a tremendous amount of digital transformation in recent years. Areas like water treatment, energy and food production are still heavily reliant on operational technology (OT) systems that were often designed and implemented long before the digital revolution.

Digitizing these systems and connecting them to standard IT networks has allowed operators to boost efficiency and bring in practices like remote working and data collection that weren’t possible in an analogue environment.

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Software file converters: How they work and why you need them

In today's digital world, we deal with a vast array of file formats daily, from documents and images to videos and audio files. However, not all software or devices can open every document type, leading to compatibility issues. This is where file converter software comes into play, making our digital lives more convenient and efficient.

A file converter is a tool that allows you to convert one format into another. It acts as a digital translator, ensuring that your documents can be opened and used across different platforms, devices, and software applications. Whether you need to convert a Word document to PDF, an image from JPEG to PNG, or a video from AVI to MP4, a file converter software can handle the task seamlessly.

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Cloud computing -- The first step to an effective data modernization strategy


Many organizations realize the benefits that lie within the data they collect daily. This modern approach to data empowers businesses to leverage data for innovation and monetization while at the same time enhancing security and privacy. While this may seem like a conundrum as companies have traditionally buried their data deep into IT architecture to prevent it from being accessible, even by the employees, today it is possible to have the best of both. This process starts with the cloud.

The healthcare sector is witnessing a swift surge in cloud adoption. By 2028, it is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18.74 percent. This trend of rapid adoption can be seen in the financial services sector too, where organizations are moving to the cloud at an accelerated pace.

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Preparing for potential regulations around AI in electronic bill payment and presentment

The speed with which enterprise-level artificial intelligence has moved from the realm of theoretical -- if not outright science fiction -- to a widely adopted business tool has been nothing short of astonishing. The mad dash to find and implement applications for new, AI-based solutions is reminiscent of the rapid ascension of cloud technology in both fervor and consistency: the race to the cutting edge is taking place across industries.

Where sectors differ is in the level of caution they’re bound by their respective norms and requirements to apply in the process. While those in all industries ought to approach new technologies and tools with healthy prudence, in my personal opinion (and I am not an attorney), those of us in the electronic bill payment and presentment (EBPP) space must additionally consider the regulations that govern individuals’ privacy and the security of their data when it comes to something as private as their finances.

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What Elon Musk's AI warning says about ethical AI in business

Artificial Intelligence

The report by Statista forecasts a significant 21 percent net increase in the United States' GDP by 2030, attributing this growth to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This projection underscores the immense impact AI is expected to have on economic expansion. However, amid this rapid advancement, tech innovator Elon Musk has expressed serious concerns about the need for AI regulation.

Speaking at the Paris VivaTech event, Musk highlighted the potential dangers of unregulated digital superintelligence. His warnings serve as a vital reminder for businesses to reevaluate their use and engagement with AI technologies, emphasizing the importance of a balanced approach to AI integration in the economic landscape.

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The evolving roles of the CIO and CISO [Q&A]

The relationship between an organization's chief information officer (CIO) and chief information security officer (CISO) has traditionally been somewhat at odds, since CIO's job is built around sharing information and the CISO's job is to secure it. Plus, the CIO was normally higher in the organizational hierarchy, which could also cause some tension.

But the relationship has evolved in recent years, to the point where the two positions are often more on par with each other. And with security's growing importance to the business (and the boardroom), the two jobs often share the same goals and responsibilities.

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