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Why cyber risk assessment is critical to staying ahead of threats [Q&A]

Risk dial

The cybersecurity landscape is changing all the time and security teams are constantly searching for anything that can give them an edge in defending their systems.

We spoke to Rajeev Gupta, co-founder and chief product officer at insurance specialist Cowbell Cyber, about cyber risk assessment and how it can help businesses understand their level of risk and improve it to stay ahead of bad actors and threats like phishing attempts.

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The way AI is enhancing online security


In an era marked by the relentless expansion of digital connectivity, the assurance of robust online security stands as a critical imperative. Cyber threats, characterized by their growing sophistication and frequency, demand innovative solutions to safeguard sensitive data and preserve privacy.

Among these solutions, artificial intelligence emerges as a transformative force reshaping the landscape of online security. This article delves into the many ways in which AI is revolutionizing online security protocols, from proactive threat detection to dynamic risk assessment and adaptive response strategies.

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Businesses call on EU to defend encryption and privacy

Data privacy

In March this year, EU countries' interior ministers are due to vote on the introduction of mandatory client-side scanning for all providers in order to identify child abuse material.

But an open letter, published today, from a group of privacy-focused companies warns of the risk of opening up a backdoor and calls on ministers to defend citizen's right to privacy and strengthen the position of EU companies.

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The tension between the CDO and the CISO: The balancing act of data exploitation versus protection

Data is the most valuable resource for the global enterprise. For any company wanting to remain relevant in today’s competitive business landscape, data needs to be at the center of every business decision, allowing the C-suite to review initiatives, make real-time decisions and if necessary reverse actions. A quick response fueled by real data insights will power and improve the customer experience and product offerings while driving lower prices through better efficiency. Ultimately, this will improve the bottom line and deliver successful outcomes for many organizations.

However, to unlock the true value of data, it is equally important that organizations ensure that confidential data is always secure. To achieve this, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), who acts as the gatekeeper to data to ensure it is compliant and secure, and the Chief Data Officer (CDO), who aims to unlock and exploit data, have different and competing priorities, yet they must be able to work together towards a common goal to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization and deliver great customer and business outcomes. There are significant benefits to be had when these two role holders work together and huge drawbacks when they don’t. 

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The EU's AI Act: Good regulation, bad regulation or somewhere in between?

History is littered with knee-jerk legislation, enacted with good intentions and often in response to genuine public fear. If you have ever traveled to the USA, you may be familiar with the I-94W Nonimmigrant Visa Waiver form that must be completed before entry. Among a number of questions asked, one is ‘Have you ever been or are you now involved in espionage or sabotage; or in terrorist activities -- Yes or No’. I’m sure many have often wondered whether those actually involved in such activities would be inclined to tick the ‘Yes’ box. This example effectively illustrates the challenges that all regulators and legislators should ask themselves at the outset, namely:

Are we doing this to address the problem or is it just a knee-jerk reaction to placate journalists and voters? (Remember that line from BBC political comedy Yes Minister -- “He’s suffering from Politician’s Logic. Something must be done, this is something, therefore we must do it.”)

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What is fat finger error and how to prevent it

Fat fingers

Whoever said "To err is human" was right (actually, it was the English poet, Alexander Pope). Just like in our private lives, we all make mistakes in business too, no matter how diligent or professional we are. The trouble is, some human errors, however small, can have disastrous consequences. Like the fat-finger error that can cost an organization millions.

A fat finger error is a keyboard input mistake that results in the wrong information being transmitted. The term originated in financial trading markets and is now used more broadly in the security industry to describe data breaches that are caused by human error, particularly when the breach is attributed to mistyped information, like an email address.

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Kubernetes monitoring: 5 essential strategies for DevOps success

Monitoring Kubernetes clusters is a critical aspect of managing cloud-native applications. Kubernetes, a favored tool among giants like Spotify and Major League Baseball, empowers developers to create and operate at scale. However, the complexity of Kubernetes with its multitude of nodes and containers demands a robust monitoring strategy.

In this article, we share five key practices to enhance your Kubernetes monitoring approach. Let's dive in...

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What to look out for when it comes to cybersecurity regulations in 2024


It’s been another busy year for cybersecurity regulations. We saw a new National Cybersecurity Strategy by the White House in March, and throughout the year, we’ve seen the National Cybersecurity Center (NCSC) launch several new initiatives to increase cyber resilience.

As mentioned by Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist & Advisory CISO at Delinea, the landscape of cybersecurity compliance is expected to "evolve significantly, driven by emerging technologies, evolving threat landscapes, and changing regulatory frameworks."

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Navigating the transition to Microsoft 365… just in time for Copilot

Microsoft 365

With the rollout of Copilot this fall, businesses everywhere are considering moving to Microsoft 365 to reap the benefits of its AI companion function in supporting business operations.

The first step in tackling this transition is for IT teams and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to understand the new software, evaluate their existing systems and prepare for the intricate migration that lies ahead.

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AI governance: Five essential design principles to keep businesses ahead of the curve 

In 2023, we witnessed the beginnings of a global AI-driven revolution. With recent studies revealing that one in six UK organizations have already embraced artificial intelligence (AI), these technologies have solidified their position in driving the next wave of digital innovation.

However, until now, organizations have been largely focused on AI experimentation, which has limited the benefits they’ve unlocked. They are now seeking to mature their strategies and embrace AI in a more transformational manner, by embedding these technologies into their core business processes. The launch of solutions like the Open AI GPT Store towards the end of 2023 is set to accelerate this drive for AI maturity, making it easier for organizations to embed ready-built use cases into their operations.

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How AI can help app developers keep up with changing regulations [Q&A]

A changing regulatory landscape can prove difficult for app developers as they need to make sure they remain compliant and keep up with evolving rule sets.

We spoke to Pedro Rodriguez, head of engineering at AI-powered compliance intelligence platform Checks, to find out how AI can help mobile app developers to handle data responsibly and keep up with ever-changing global regulations,

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Generative AI: Approaching the crossroads of innovation and ethics


As the recent hype and excitement around Generative AI (GenAI) begins to settle somewhat, we are entering a critical phase where innovation must be more closely aligned with ethical considerations. The impact of AI is already evident in various aspects of life, pointing to a future where, ideally, its use is not only widespread but also guided by principled decision-making. In this context, the emphasis should be on using AI to address appropriate problems, not just any problem.

In particular, the early iterations of GenAI platforms have demonstrated their potential but also the need for careful application. In many organizations, GenAI has already improved both customer and employee experiences, with advanced chatbots capable of mimicking human interaction taking automated customer service to a whole new level by providing quick and relevant responses. In an ideal world, this use case highlights AI’s dual purpose: to enhance human capabilities while maintaining a focus on human-centred experiences.

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Insider threats: Don't underestimate the dangers within

insider threat

As we look ahead to the coming year, Trellix Advanced Research Centre recently shared its predictions for 2024. Among them, it highlighted that as connected devices continue to proliferate, and hybrid and remote workforces persist, insider threats will only continue to grow.

This expected increase is especially worrying as research has already shown that breaches caused by employees have seen a 47 percent increase over the last two years, whether accidental or malicious. Annually, 34 percent of all businesses will suffer an insider threat incident, costing an estimated eye-watering $15.38m per occurrence, so the predicted increase is particularly frightening.

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Putting individuals back in charge of their own identities

fake identities

From letting hotels keep copies of our passports to handing over IDs for car hire or air travel, we seldom think twice about the implications of physically sharing our identity documents. By now, we’ve gotten accustomed to exchanging personal information in return for a product or service we value -- but we need to be more vigilant at a time when identity fraud is jumping as much as 37 percent.

Proof of a person’s identity is the key to accessing goods, services, financial accounts, and opportunities -- which makes identity a valuable target, motivating fraudsters to try to gain our trust to trick us into disclosing our personal information so they can impersonate us. They also hack into identity databases that store personal information of millions of consumers. As a result, the frequency of data breaches has increased exponentially. In fact in 2022 alone, identity theft reached a staggering $42 billion in the US.

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ChatGPT one year on: Why IT departments are scrambling to keep up


We’re nearly one year on since ChatGPT burst onto the scene. In a technology world full of hype, this has been truly disruptive and permanently changed the way we work. It has also left IT departments scrambling to keep up – what are the risks of using AI? Can I trust the apps with my data?

Should we ban altogether or wait, and see? But if we ban it, is there a risk of being left behind as other companies innovate?

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