To integrate Netflix into the new Facebook graph, you have to e-mail Congress

At f8, the Facebook developer conference in San Francisco today, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the new Facebook "Timeline" layout, and the deeper, realtime integration of third party apps it will bring. This deeper integration is a part of Facebook's new "Open Graph."
One of the premier Open Graph partners is Sweden-based streaming music service Spotify, which launched in the United States just two months ago. Using the new open graph, the music that Spotify users are listening to is posted live to their Facebook feed, and their friends can click that post and join into the listening session live.
Netflix, another premier partner, will be doing something similar for its streaming movies... but only in Canada and Latin America.
Unfortunately, United States users won't be getting the feature due to "A 1980s law that creates some confusion over our ability to allow U.S. members to share what they watch."
For the feature to exist, a law has to be passed.
"We’ll continue to look at these issues and find ways to bring you the easy, convenient and quality experiences you have come to expect, including ways to automatically share with your friends on Facebook," Michael Drobac, director of Government Relations at Netflix wrote on Thursday. "The good news, however, is that some forward-thinking members of Congress have introduced legislation, H.R. 2471, that would allow you to make this choice. We’ve got some big supporters in Congress, including Representatives Bob Goodlatte, Howard Coble, Jim Sensenbrenner, Zoe Lofgren, Linda Sanchez, John Conyers, Henry Waxman, Darrell Issa, Judy Chu, Loretta Sanchez, Lee Terry and Sue Myrick but we can use more."
Drobac and the Netflix team are asking users to email congress about voting on H.R. 2471.