Demand 5 comes to Roku in Britain

Roku is on a bit of a roll lately, with the release of the brand new version 3 hardware, and the continuous addition of new channels and content. While much of this development has taken place stateside, it is not the only front the set-top box maker is tackling. Now it brings Demand 5 to British customers, adding to the plethora of content already available on the little system.
"We’re pleased to announce the addition of Demand 5 to our growing entertainment library in the U.K. Demand 5 on Roku lets customers instantly access Channel 5’s full range of catch-up content as well as an extensive library of popular programs including Big Brother, Archer, Dallas, CSI, and Neighbors. Roku users can also enjoy original programming including The Gadget Show, The Hotel Inspector and Eddie Stobart’s Trucks and Trailers". This brings the total to more than 450 channels -- and that is just within Great Britain.
The latest box, Roku 3, brings a brand new remote that allows the user to plug in a headset and move around the house while listening and not disturbing others, though a version 3 box is not required for this update. You can visit the Demand 5 site to find all of the content that will be available to you.