The crosswalk awaits you -- Abbey Road comes to Google Maps

When it comes to music there is perhaps no more famous location in the world than Abbey Road. The studio has become legend -- created legends, in fact. The recording home of John, Paul, George and Ringo is still there, almost a museum of sorts, awaiting the tourists who want to get just a small sense of the Fab Four.
No need to traipse the crosswalk, let alone barefoot, to get your glimpse into where it all happened. Google Street View is here to make all your troubles seem so far away by taking you to Abbey Road, virtually.
Though the album cover comes to mind, Google points out much more happened that perhaps many people don't know. "In fact, the studios have played a role in music history: if you can hum the theme to 'Star Wars'. 'Harry Potter' or 'Indiana Jones' or you’ve sung along to tracks by Pink Floyd or Oasis, or even if you own a pair of stereo headphones, then you’ve been impacted by the work of Abbey Road".
"In partnership with Abbey Road Studios, we’ve created Inside Abbey Road, an experience that lets fans around the world step inside the studios and explore this renowned institution", says Google's Tom Seymour.
"Throughout the studios you’ll find more than 30 stories, full of anecdotes and facts about the studios, like the story of Abbey Road engineer Alan Blumlein. Alan was annoyed after a trip to the movies, because the sound in early cinemas only came from one side of the screen. He went on to invent the concept of stereo audio—and sound and screen have matched ever since. Or, if you feel like being guided around the studios, there's an audio tour you can join in every studio. Narrated by producer Giles Martin, engineer and Head of Audio Products Mirek Stiles, and broadcaster Lauren Laverne, the audio tours let you see the studios through their eyes. Think of it as your own personal tour".
It's been a long, cold, lonely winter so it's time for a vacation, and this is great spot. Better yet, you don't have to leave your home or office or even go in through the bathroom window to get there.