This is Bill. He is cluttering up Facebook. Be smart. Block Bill.

The first half dozen times I encountered the Bill meme on Facebook, I found it amusing. But after a while, the sanctimonious stick man -- who explains how people should use the web, among other things -- began to grate.
And then everyone started to make their own versions, using their own names. At that point, it was clear, enough was enough. If you feel the same, be like me, and block Bill, and all of the other variations by following these steps.
All you have to do is find one of the annoying posts. If your Facebook is anything like mine, it should be easy enough to locate one quite quickly.
Click the drop down arrow at the right side of the post, and then select 'Hide all from...', making sure you choose the app which is generating the 'Bill' posts, rather than blocking your friend. Although you can do that as well if you don’t like them.
If you still see some posts afterwards, block those as well, and soon the meme will disappear from your timeline.
It’s what Bill would do. And we all know he’s smart and we should all try to be like him.