Firefox 2: 2 Million Downloads in a Day

Mozilla said that downloads for the second version of its Firefox browser reached two million in the first 24 hours, or more than 30 downloads per second. The rate of downloads compare to one million in the first 24 hours with the first version of Firefox, and 1.5 million with Firefox 1.5. The latest version of Firefox adds enhancements such as a phishing filter, a retooled user interface, and performance improvements.
Mozilla user experience lead Mike Beltzner says Firefox's "less is more" philosophy is what makes the browser so popular. He even compared it to a Honda Civic, a car popular with auto enthusiasts due to its easily upgradable design. "By default, Firefox is a simple, sleek, efficient, reliable and effective web browser," he said. "If you're the type of person who tinkers, though ... well, the sky is the limit."