Mandriva community called to communicate
The long strange tale of Mandriva, that fascinating French Linux distro, continues -- and perhaps, soon, in a more organized fashion. Pending a vote by members of the community, the Mandriva Linux Assembly is at hand.
The assembly, as per terms of the call for nominations, would represent three groups: the user community, with one representative seats per nation or group of nations; five representatives of the cookers, Mandriva's term for the paid staff and contributor who do the actual development; and five representatives from Mandriva. Those representatives re tentatively expected to be sorted into three working groups: the MUGs, which will comprise all the user-community electees plus two Mandriva representatives; the Cooker Menu, which will have five members from each constituency; and Cooker Chefs, a mainly operational group that includes all ten Cooker and Mandriva reps.
Nominations for the Cooker group and the first five user-group reps close on March 2.