Skype Users Warned of New Windows Worm

Skype users should be wary of a new worm that is making its way through the network via the application's chat feature, the company said Monday. The worm spreads when users click on a link sent via IM either from an unknown user, or a contact who has been infected. The link appears to be a .JPG image, however when clicked, it asks the user to run or save a .scr file. When run, the program then accesses the Skype application in order to infect others.
F-Secure and Kaspersky Labs have issued updated definition files to detect the worm, Skype said. "We would like to encourage our users to ensure that they are running anti-virus software on their computers and to download the latest anti-virus updates in order to provide the best protection against this and other viruses," Villu Arak wrote in the Skype blog on Monday. Additional instructions on handling the worm can be found in the post.