Stern's Sirius Debut Only Mildly Raunchy

The self-proclaimed King of All Media made his debut on Sirius Satellite Radio Monday, complete with the theme from "2001: A Space Odyssey" performed to the tune of flatulence in different keys. However, some fans may have walked away disappointed; Stern says he will attempt to keep his language in check.

Both critics and fans had been anticipating a much raunchier show than what was offered Monday. While some sections of the show featured points where foul language was the rule of the day, Stern actually took one of his co-hosts to task over cursing too much.

"Why do you have to use the F-word?" he directed at a cast member who was cursing quite liberally.

Whatever Stern does, it's likely Sirius won't care much. The smaller of the two satellite providers added 1.1 million subscribers in the fourth quarter alone thanks to Stern, bringing its total number of subscribers to 3.3 million overall.

Stern is a half-billion dollar bet for the company, and early indications show that it may be paying off. He was recently given 34 million shares as a bonus for exceeding customer subscription targets.

However, it's not clear how many of Stern's traditional listeners may end up making the switch, and the signup rate is likely to slow back to normal levels by the end of the year, as the majority of interested listeners are likely to register early.

The shock jock that racked up $2.5 million in indecency fines with the FCC said his show isn't all about bad language and he plans to push the envelope without that. "If that's what satellite means, then that's ridiculous. Then it's just pornography."

At the moment, satellite radio remains free of FCC intervention for issues of indecency, however a push has begun in Congress to regulate the nascent industry.

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