Google responds to Office 365: Help us compile 365 reasons Apps is better

Yesterday in the cleverly titled "365 reasons to consider Google Apps" blog post, Shan Sinha, Google Apps product manager, gave just four why his company's cloud suite is better than Microsoft. Motivation: Today's global launch of Office 365.
I observed that four is a long way from 365. Apparently someone at Google was listening. Last night the GoogleAtWork Twitter account tweeted: "Help us to 365! Many asked for all 365 reasons to consider GoogleApps. Add yours here or tweet #apps365". About three hours ago, Google issued the "Final call! Many asked for 365 reasons to consider GoogleApps".
I'm sure Google won't mind if you send a good one, even now, particularly since I don't yet see 365 responses. Google might have the bandwidth for 365. I've got time for a dozen, which I randomly chose:
1. "With gapps I can write a love letter to my lover from my girfriend's laptop leaving no trace", @cucaratxa.
2. "Having my email and calendars synced with my iPhone without needing Microsoft Exchange Server", Jason Bradley.
3. "Effortless integration, syncs with all of my devices, an unrivaled user interface, and backed by the power of @Google", Houston Pearce.
4. "It makes it easier for us to collaborate in countries with limited internet connections and even more limited resources", Jennifer Hageman.
5. "My data easily protected by two step authentication", Serge Lachapelle.
6. "Perfectly integrates with websso-solutions, makeing it a perfect buildingblock for any business with more than one system", Michael Johansen.
7. "You can work on a project from anywhere! And also others can have realtime editing on your document", @ChrizInUrPants.
8. "Never again worry about the size of outlook ost files / mailbox or speed up the start of yr desktop email client", Beat Käch.
9. "A solution for ninja team collaboration that just works", Jim Hayes.
10. "It's so simple", Plymouth Buzz.
11. "1. Never haveing to worry your system will die and you loose everything. 2. Android integration", Manny Korkodilos.
12. "GoogleGroup to share links and infos among colleagues! Also easy to keep track of the previous exchanges", Suzanne Morisset.
What's your reason?