Lionsgate to partner with YouTube

Soon, Lionsgate will be joining the ranks of major content providers to partner with YouTube in advertisement and hosting.
YouTube has already partnered with CBS and the BBC, as well as Universal Music Group, Sony BMG, and Warner Music Group. The now three-year old video service's system for monetization and content identification appears to be mature enough to sustain major studios, and the inclusion of Lionsgate could foretoken many more.
According to Andrew Wallenstein of the Hollywood Reporter, Lionsgate will create its own branded channel with official clips from its movie and television properties. Though it doesn't yet have a launch date, it is expected that clips on the page will not be limited to strictly promotional and trailer materials. Other Lionsgate properties are expected to be featured with in-video advertisements.
Both YouTube's advertising schema and its methods for identifying video property allow providers with a large body of content to manage, monetize, and track the usage of their videos. Several other studios are expected to follow Lionsgate's lead, rather than take the route Viacom has been taking since last year.
The YouTube Video Identification beta launched in October 2007 provides content owners with the option to Block, Track, or Monetize their content when it has been uploaded to YouTube by a third party.