Samsung offers Galaxy Note as a tool for 'creatives'

Apple products are deeply entrenched in the creative world. Both Mac and iOS-based devices are the common tools among graphic designers, artists, music producers and composers, and yes, even journalists. (Especially journalists, don't even get me started.)
At CES 2012 this week, Samsung made a major appeal to "creatives" with the new Galaxy Note mini-tablet. In a large booth in a hallway outside of the show floor, Samsung set up caricature artists with Galaxy Notes, who were drawing passers by as musicians played in the background, using the Galaxy Note and the apps touchOSC and TouchDAW as a part of their performance gear.
In the video we've embedded, you can see the artists utilizing the stylus to compose sophisticated drawings with the 5.3" tablet, and the Brooklyn-based band Body Language performing with it as well.
Android-based music creation and performance applications are still quite few and far between, and the platform's best cannot even hold a candle to the best music apps on iOS.
However, at the rate that non-phone and non-tablet Android devices are springing up, it's only a matter of time before someone creates a musical instrument that runs on Android as well, or at least an app that can go toe-to-toe with Apple's offerings.