'This is our generation's Woodstock'

Samsung's newest "The Next Big Thing is Already Here" TV commercial is the riskiest, but by far the snarkiest for anyone closely following the marketing campaign. The jokes are all inside and require some familiarity with previous installments. The risk: Everyone else won't get it. The snark: The iPhone hipster putdowns are mean -- really mean.

During the very first commercial, one Apple hipster waiting in line for iPhone could never get a Samsung because he's "creative". The guy next to him snipes: "Dude, you're a barista". Both men are back in the new commercial, with the barista serving coffee to the snarky companion -- who is carrying Galaxy S II! He's done with the iPhone hipset and makes it known: "It's nice latte art, my man. I see you're still creative". He's with a woman who had the same Samsung smartphone during the first commercial in the series. The Barista: "You two look happy, with your phone".

Soon two guys come in talking about camping, but not in the woods. They're headed to the Apple Store and presumably the next iPhone -- not the one seen in earlier commercials. But there's something missing: The long lines of hipsters. People bought Samsungs. It's funny advertising, if you get the inside jokes -- not as much for anyone else.

There's a sense of finality to the commercial, which Samsung posted to YouTube today, like it's the last one. But there's another, also available today. In this TV spot, one of the people waiting in the cold to buy iPhone goes into a store looking for "gloves without the thumbs" so he can text. There are only regular gloves. "How can I text?" The store clerk demonstrates voice to text on Galaxy S II. No hands required.

Tomorrow Apple announces calendar fourth-quarter earnings, with analysts predicting record iPhone sales -- perhaps 35 million units. Samsung S2 sales don't even come close. But in the battle of marketing campaigns, the South Korean electronics giant has Apple beat. Whatever their sales value might or might not be, the ads are priceless cultural commentaries about stereotypical Apple hipsters. The meaner the ads get, the funnier they are.

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