Write for BetaNews

We're hiring and taking on new freelancers and other writers. You could be among them. Paid and unpaid writing positions are available. Staff positions are paid BetaNews employees. Freelancers don't directly work for us but receive payment for their work. Unpaid writers typically receive compensation other ways, such as increasing their profile for personal or business gain.

BetaNews seeks a summer social media intern, staff writer and associate editor. These are paid, employee positions. We're also looking for new freelancers and other contributors. Writing is creative, rewarding and fulfilling work. Many of the best writers started out as news reporters. Few market sectors are as satisfying as technology. The pace of change makes for interesting topics, quelling the kind of boredom common to the other beats.

Social Media Intern. We’re looking for someone to help us build our presence on social media, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Reddit and Google+. This means getting more of our web content posted and engaging with users. Intern will also prepare market research reports, providing analysis on what is working for other publishers.

Please click the link for full list of responsibilities. Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume, including links to social media accounts they maintain personally: intern at betanews dot com.

Staff Writer. We are looking for one or more intern journalists who think that technology and the business of tech are exciting and important. We need someone who wants to
dive into what is new and what is coming in web services, SAAS, the cloud, enterprise IT, mobile computing, and whatever is next. Writers with expertise in cloud or enterprise computing receive priority consideration.

Please click the link for full list of responsibilities. Applicants should send a brief introduction, short resume and examples (links are fine) of your writing: write at betanews dot com.

Associate Editor. We're looking for a manager and writer who can lead/build a team that will produce unique and influential technology content. This person will need to find writers and content sources that have a strong voice and draw in a diverse audience of people who care about technology. They will need to ensure that we expand our audience and traffic by producing excellent content and getting it read.

Please click the link for full list of responsibilities. Applicants should submit a cover letter and resume, including links to editing or writing samples: jobs at betanews dot com.

Freelancers/Contributors. The BetaNews audience is much bigger than any staff can reach. Some of the most valuable content comes from freelancers who specialize in narrow tech areas and our readers or vendors, who often live on the bleeding edge of what comes next. There is no way to overstate the immense value you bring to our pages.

Throughout the summer we would like to greatly expand the number of paid and unpaid non-staff writers contributing to BetaNews. Some of the most insightful stories posted this year came from people who would never have considered themselves writers yet contributed compelling, even controversial, stories.

If you would like to freelance or contribute, please contact me directly -- joe at betanews dot com; or Circle me on Google+.

Something else: We would like to expand our international staff, whether employee, freelancer or contributor. Living or working outside the United States is an opportunity. BetaNews readership is global, and we want more of our stories to reach our broader audience. Too much tech reporting everywhere is US-centric. Help us broaden the scope and better expose the world of innovation -- even imitation.

Photo Credit: Andrii Muzyka/Shutterstock

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