Why should you upgrade to Windows 10? 'Multi-doing' and getting things done

This time next week many of us will have upgraded to Windows 10. Until that day, Microsoft continues to publish videos pushing the benefits that the latest incarnation has to offer. This time around we are treated to a guide to 'multi-doing'.
Microsoft explains that this is "all about removing the obstacles between you and 'Done'", and the video is essentially a showcase of all of the tools that help with productivity. From Snap Assist to virtual desktop, Microsoft uses its latest video to show just what Windows 10 can do for you.
The video continues in the vein of its predecessors; bouncy dance music accompanies on screen text urging you to "do (insert-not-particularly-computery-word) things". For anyone who hasn’t been following the preview builds, it serves as a great introduction to what has changed from previous versions.
Improved Snap Assist makes it easier to work with multiple apps and windows, while multiple desktops are on hand to help keep different tasks separate. There's also the Action Center, task view, and more.
Check out the video and see if you agree with what Microsoft has to say about the benefits of Windows 10: