Windows 10 ruins a pro-gaming stream with a badly-timed update

Last week a Windows 10 forced upgrade did its best to ruin a weather forecast on live television, and this week the new operating system started an update right in the middle of a gaming session being streamed live on Twitch.
During the stream of Counter Strike: Global Offensive, full-time pro-gamer Erik "fl0m" Flom was rudely interrupted as Windows 10 decided that mid-game -- in front of 130,000 or so followers -- would be the best time to start an update.
SEE ALSO: Windows 10 interrupts a live TV broadcast with an unwanted upgrade
Caught by surprise, Flom -- who remained onscreen during the whole embarrassing spectacle -- screamed "What? What!? Alright guys, this pretty neat. How did this happen?! How did this happen?! Fuck you Windows 10!".
Unable to stop the update, he added. "Oh my God! You had one job PC. We turned off everything… Update faster you fuck!".
There was some good news -- the update finished quite quickly (helped by everything being turned off to boost gaming performance), but then another countdown started, leaving Flom helpless.
You can watch the full stream on Twitch here. Windows 10 interrupts towards the very end of the session.
The Windows 10 Anniversary Update out in July will thankfully allow users to specify times when they are busy, to stop the OS installing updates at inappropriate moments like this. Of course, users will probably have to put up with the Anniversary Update installing itself whenever it likes first…