Game of Thrones S07E04, The Spoils of War, leaks online

The fourth episode of the latest season of Game of Thrones has leaked online before its official air date. Download links to the episode -- The Spoils of War -- have been shared on Reddit and Twitter, and the video appears to be a low-quality internal version.
Earlier this week, HBO was the victim of a hack in which 1.5TB of data was stolen. In addition to full episodes of other shows, there were scripts and spoilers for Game of Thrones, and these were subsequently leaked. This time around, however, it does not seem that the hack was the source of the S07E04 leak.
Anyone viewing the leaked episode will notice a Star India logo in the corner of the video. This is HBO distributor in India and it seems that this company is the source of the episode. While the leak is clearly bad news for HBO, the apparent Indian source would suggest that the hackers that struck earlier in the week did not actually manage to get their hands on Game of Thrones videos.
HBO has not yet commented on the leak, but the broadcaster has already made it clear that it is monitoring people who illegally download Game of Thrones episodes from torrent sites.