Fedora 28 wallpaper contest now open -- submit your image to the Linux distro!

One of the first things I do after installing a new Linux distribution is set a different wallpaper. Why? Desktop pictures really inspire me -- my mood can be positively altered by a beautiful image. The default wallpaper is often boring. For the most part, I prefer images of nature with bright colors. After all, if I am stuck indoors working on my computer, a wallpaper of the beach, mountains, or a colorful bird, for instance, can transport me to the outdoors -- in my mind.
Sadly, not every distro has beautiful high-quality images. Fedora, however, often does -- thanks to its "supplemental" wallpapers. What is particularly cool about that operating system, is that it regularly accepts wallpaper submissions from the community as part of a contest. In other words, anybody can potentially contribute to a new version of the distro by simply uploading a photo, drawing, or other picture. Fedora 28 is the upcoming version of the OS, and the developers are now calling for wallpaper submissions for it. Will you submit an entry to the contest?
"Each release, the Fedora Design team works with the community on a set of 16 additional wallpapers. Users can install and use these to supplement the standard wallpaper. Submissions are now open for the Fedora 28 Supplemental Wallpapers, and will remain open until February 13, 2018. You always wanted to start contributing to Fedora but don't know how? Contributing a supplemental wallpaper is one of the easiest way to start as a Fedora Contributor," says Sirko Kemter, Fedora Project.
ALSO READ: Fedora 27 Linux distribution now available for download
Kemter also says, "Supplemental wallpapers are the non-default wallpapers provided with Fedora. Each release, the Fedora Design team works with the community on a set of 16 additional wallpapers. Users can install and use these to supplement the standard wallpaper."
There are some examples of prior winning submissions above. As you can see, they don't have to be photographs. If you'd prefer, you can submit a drawing too. Keep in mind, there is no prize for winning -- other than bragging rights.
Want to submit an image yourself? I encourage you to do so. With that said, please know you cannot just email it or upload it through your web browser. Actually, you must use a Linux app called Nuancier. This program is used to track submissions while also preventing deluge of entries. It will limit you to two images at the most. In other words, before you submit your entries, you should make sure they are truly great. Before submitting, please read all the rules here.
Will you be submitting an image? Please tell me in the comments below.