UK office workers waste 1.8 billion hours a year because of poor technology

Office workers across the UK are wasting 14 days per person each year -- or 1.8 billion hours a year in total -- because the technology they’re given isn't good enough.
A new study of 2,000 office workers from technology solutions company Insight shows 80 percent at some point have felt they don't have the technology they need to do their jobs properly. While 34 percent also say not being equipped with the right technology makes remote and flexible working difficult and stressful.
There's a problem with the information they're getting too. Less than half (47 percent) of the information employees receive from inside their organisation is relevant to them, and 60 percent of employees say they ignore internal communications until they're brought to their attention.
On average, workers say they waste 2.4 hours per week because they don't have the right technological support, thanks to unnecessary travel or having to work inefficiently. The average office worker misses information four times a week, and more than a third (38 percent) miss important or useful information at least once a day. Only 53 percent of office workers say that internal communications are effective -- meaning many employers are not engaging with their employees in the right way.
"In 2019, employees shouldn't be complaining that technology makes their lives harder," says Emma de Sousa, UK managing director at Insight. "Businesses should strive to keep workers informed and involved, however, company information and updates are being ignored as a result of information overload. In contrast, as a consumer, you have access to a wide range of technology and devices, where information received and shared is tailored based on the user preferences; businesses need to take the same approach. Technology in the workplace that cannot help streamline communication, keep employees engaged and support a healthy work-life balance is not fit for purpose."
One of the reasons for employee frustration is lack of training. A worrying 77 percent of office workers surveyed say they have been given technology and apps without being told what benefit they would bring, or how to use them.
"The world is changing; for many 'work' is no longer a specific place, but something you do," adds de Sousa. "People want to work when and where they want, and expect employers to provide a technology experience that enables -- rather than hinders -- this. If this isn't embraced, all sides will suffer -- from workers who are increasingly frustrated with their employer to businesses that suffer lost productivity and find it harder to attract and retain employees."
The full report is available from the Insight page.
Image Credit: Syda Productions/Shutterstock