Best Windows 10 apps this week

Three-hundred-and-fifty-five in a series. Welcome to this week's overview of the best apps, games and extensions released for Windows 10 on the Microsoft Store in the past seven days.
Microsoft unveiled a range of new Surface devices this weeks and a new version of Windows 10 that it calls Windows 10X.
Designed specifically for dual-screen PCs, it is powering the upcoming Surface Neo device that the company plans to release in 2020.
As always, if I've missed an app or game that has been released this week that you believe is particularly good, let me know in the comments below or notify me via email.
Discounts this week
The following list is a selection of the best deals. Make sure you check out the Store for all offers.
Some apps are discounted for more than one week. Only new apps and games are listed below. Check out the previous post in the series for past offers that may still be valid.
New Windows apps and games
Okular is a cross-platform document viewer developed by KDE. The application supports several document and ebook formats including PDF, PS, Tiff, CHM, EPUB, DjVU and ODT.
It features a sidebar listing the table of contents (if available), thumbnails, reviews, and bookmarks.
Tools to zoom or select text are provided as well.
PDF X is a PDF reader and editor for Windows 10. It supports creating, editing, converting, annotating, encrypting, digital signing, and exporting PDF documents.
Format support is not limited to PDF as it reads formats such as DjVU, XPS, EPub, or PS as well.
The extension for the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge web browser aids web developers in finding website issues.
The extension adds a Hints tab to the browser's developer tools to check a site's accessibility, performance, compatibility and other areas. Options to set a target browser and ignore resources are provided.
Scans take a moment to complete and hints are displayed for each issue that the extension identified during the scan. It may highlight that the color contrast is not sufficient, that used CSS features are not supported by certain browsers, or that caching controls are not optimized. Information is provided on resolving these issues.
New Themes
Japanese Landscapes, includes 15 wallpapers.
Notable updates
Paint.Net 4.2.5 update introduces support for the WebP format.