Windows 10 being upgraded to the May 2020 Update without user consent

Who can forget the bad old days when Microsoft decided it knew best and forced Windows 10 upgrades on users without their consent? Windows 7 owners who left their systems alone for any length of time often returned to find they’d been 'upgraded' to Windows 10.
Thankfully those days are behind us, and now when Microsoft rolls out a Windows 10 feature update that’s compatible with your system, you can choose when to install it. Except, that is, when Windows 10 goes rogue and installs the latest update without warning.
As reported by Woody on Windows, a growing number of Windows 10 users running version 1903 and 1909 of the OS are claiming their systems have been upgraded to Windows 10 2004 -- the May 2020 Update -- without their consent.
This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard stories like this. In fact it’s common to hear such complaints following the rollout of each new feature update, but as Woody says, "Most of the time, some digging shows that the person who was upgraded had, in fact, clicked on something they shouldn’t have."
However, this time is different and it looks like the problem could be down to a bug caused by a combination of events.
If your PC is eligible for version 2004 and you pause the update, and that pause expires (or you manually turn if off) it looks like there’s a real chance the update will install itself.
Some people believe Microsoft is forcing the update on users on purpose, but in this instance I think it’s just accidental, although that’s no consolation for anyone whose system has been upgraded against their will.
If that’s happened to you -- and please let us know in the comments if it has -- you can roll back the update by opening Settings, clicking on Update & Security and then Recovery on the left.
Click Get started under 'Go back to the previous version of Windows 10'.
Image credit: TeodorLazarev / Shutterstock