Use DuckDuckGo to create a QR code for any website
If you care about your privacy on the web, and you’re worried about just what Google knows about you, then privacy-focused search site DuckDuckGo is a great alternative.
It offers lots of features that you may not be aware of, including the ability to quickly generate a QR code for any website.
- EFF and DuckDuckGo's new partnership is about enhancing secure browsing and protecting user information on the web
- Quickly convert any web links into QR Codes that you can open on your smartphone
QR codes offer a great way to transport people to a particular site. All you have to do is point your mobile device’s camera at a code, and that page will open.
To create a QR code for your favorite site in DuckDuckGo Type QR followed by a website or page address. QR for example.
You can then right-click the image and open it in a new tab, or download and share it.