Say goodbye to dead batteries: Calculators now live forever on the Internet Archive

The Internet Archive is home to all manner of emulated hardware, including retro handhelds and vintage consoles.
Now the archive offers a new family of emulators for people to play around with online -- calculators! Like the various console emulators, this has been made possible thanks to the power of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator).
Announcing the latest inclusion, the Internet Archive’s Jason Scott says:
The Calculator Drawer is smaller than these other collections, but they possess a hearty collection of graphing and simple Calculators, emulated in MAME and with an additional layer of presenting the calculator itself, as a clickable graphical object, which you can then do math and graphing on. (You also need to turn many of them on, so look for the "ON" button to get things going.)
MAME ARTWORK makes the collection much more interesting than it otherwise might be because it provides images of the calculators for the emulated parts -- the LED/LCD lights -- to be displayed inside.
The result is a good selection of attractive, and fully functional calculators.

Should you require help in mastering some of the calculators on offer, you’ll be pleased to know there are manuals available for most of them.
You can explore The Calculator Drawer here.