Search Results for: gdpr

BlackBerry launches software consulting service to help businesses with GDPR

Blackberry logo

With the GDPR deadline now less than six months away, many companies are still coming to terms with how they will adapt to the new legislation, which could have a major effect upon the their business.

Fortunately, BlackBerry has launched a new branch of its software consulting service to try and guide businesses through the challenges that GDPR will face. Launched this week at the company's BlackBerry Security Summit in London, the platform aims to help BlackBerry partner with companies that are still unsure of what steps they need to take in order to fit with the new rules.

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GDPR makes businesses concerned about cloud storage

More than nine in ten (93 percent) of companies worry about storing their data in the cloud, once GDPR kicks in, new research has claimed.

A report from cloud solutions provider Calligo polling 500 IT decision-makers in companies with more than 100 employees, found than 91 percent of respondents worry how the new rules will affect cloud services.

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Many businesses remain unprepared for GDPR

gdpr prepared

A shockingly large proportion of businesses have no idea how to behave when GDPR comes into play, a new report by the DMA has claimed.

More than half of marketers surveyed (56 percent) believe they’re on the right track, with four percent actually saying they’re ahead in their plans of being compliant by May 2018.

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GDPR is a set of security best practices, not a burden

Business security

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that takes effect May 25th 2018 is still raising serious compliance concerns for most UK companies, according to a Bitdefender survey. With companies becoming more enthusiastic in deploying hybrid infrastructures that involve leveraging the capabilities of both the public and the private cloud, 85 percent of UK respondents agree encryption is the most effective way to secure public cloud data.

Interestingly, only one third of UK respondents actually secure between 31 and 60 percent of cloud-stored data, while 21 percent encrypt everything stored within the public cloud. With GDPR placing tough restrictions regarding how "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural personal" is handled, encryption plays a vital role in achieving this.

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Majority of enterprise cloud services still not ready for GDPR

With the EU's General Data Protection Regulation set to come into force in May next year, companies are rushing to ensure that their systems will comply with its rules.

Yet a new report from cloud security company Netskope finds that almost three-quarters of cloud services still lack key capabilities needed to ensure compliance with the GDPR regulations.

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It will be easy for businesses to comply with GDPR, UK's digital minister says

data protection jigsaw

UK's new Data Protection Bill, aimed to "encourage innovation while protecting privacy," was published this week. Digital minister Matthew Hancock took the opportunity to call all businesses to become compliant with GDPR before the deadline of May 25, 2018.

In an opinion piece published on City AM, Hancock said the new laws are built on the existing ones and it shouldn’t be too hard for businesses to get used to them.

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Many UK businesses don't know if they are GDPR compliant

Every fifth business in the UK has "no idea" if their corporate policies are enough to comply with the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is according to a new report by Citrix, which investigates the obstacles companies in the UK are still facing when it comes to complying with GDPR.

The report says there are three major roadblocks --data sprawl, a huge influx of personal customer information and uncertainty around data ownership.

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50 percent of employees believe their businesses aren't ready for GDPR

With the EU's GDPR legislation less than a year away from coming into force, a new study reveals that half of employees believe their companies aren't ready for it.

The survey, carried out by Usurv for Storage Made Easy asked 200 employees a simple question on whether they believe their company is ready for the upcoming data protection law.

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UK execs don't know GDPR's consequences


With the clock still ticking down to the May 2018 GDPR deadline, new research has once again revealed a worrying lack of awareness among many executives.

A study by Alfresco and AIIM found that one in five (21 percent) of senior executives said that they had little or no idea about the effect GDPR would have on their business.

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Rackspace introduces data privacy and protection service for GDPR compliance

Businesses struggling to get their operations in order before the GDPR kicks in in May 2018 have been given a welcome helping hand from Rackspace.

The company has revealed the launch of a new Privacy and Data Protection (PDP) offering which will help companies ensure they are up to speed with the latest data protection legislation.

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What problems will GDPR solve?

The one-year countdown to the European Union’s most significant cross-border data protection regulation is ticking by swiftly. Coming into enforcement from May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will profoundly alter the way businesses and consumers look at the data they hold. Being informed about why it’s coming into play and what the regulation is solving will help both organizations and individual citizens understand how they should approach data protection, whether this is becoming GDPR compliant or understanding their new data privacy rights.

Up until the proposed GDPR, businesses operating in the EU worked under inconsistent data protection regulations, varying from country to country. A UK based marketing agency that sent its contact lists to telesales firms in Germany or Spain would have to understand the different data laws of each individual nation and adapt their processes accordingly, in many cases hiring consultants to ensure they complied with the appropriate regulations.

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Many businesses believe they're GDPR-compliant: The reality says otherwise

data protection jigsaw

A new study has claimed that, contrary to what they may think, many businesses are struggling to be ready for GDPR.

According to The Veritas 2017 GDPR Report, a third (31 percent) of respondents believe their enterprise is in line with the regulation’s key requirements. On the other hand, when they were asked about specific GDPR provisions, their answers have shown that they’re most likely not compliant.

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IBM launches new solutions and tools to get businesses ready for GDPR

IBM logo

IBM has announced new data governance and data science initiatives that will aid developers and analysts use cognitive computing to better understand and control their data.

The company also unveiled new solutions and tools that would make it easier for organizations to comply with the EU's upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Failure to comply with GDPR will be quite costly for organizations which has led to the creation of a number of tools to help prepare for when it goes into effect on May 25 next year.

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Is your business GDPR-compliant? This free tool will let you know

Time is running out to ensure that your organization is prepared for the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with less than a year to go now is the time to take action.

In order to help organizations prepare for GDPR, the data governance firm DQM GRC has released a free online GDPR Self-Assessment Tool that provides insight into a company's compliance levels compared to the new regulation and offers practical advice on how they can overcome their biggest challenges.

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Major UK companies at risk of breaking key GDPR principle on collecting PII

Web form PII

New research shows that more than a third of all public web pages of FTSE 30 companies capturing personally identifiable information (PII) are in danger of violating the GDPR regulations by doing so insecurely.

The FTSE 30 is made up of the 30 most influential companies listed on the London Stock Exchange. The study by RiskIQ looking at the sites of these organizations finds that more controls on outward facing web assets are needed.

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