New study claims 1 in 10 pay TV subscribers plan to cut the cord this year

Not long ago, I conducted a rather unscientific survey, asking readers if they planned to cut the cord in 2014. There was no voting, it simply relied on comments, as I wished to know your thoughts. A number of you had already taken the plunge, but we are dealing with a tech-oriented crowd. This isn't something my mom and dad will be doing -- they’d think I spoke a foreign language if I used the word Roku.
Morgan Stanley, who we don't tend to think of when it comes to media, went a bit further, taking a more scientific approach and collating the results into a nice graphic format.
The end result was that the company found one in ten users intend to get rid of cable and satellite this year. Things go a bit more in-depth though -- for instance the average pay TV package sets a consumer back $86 per month and is expected to reach as high as $200 by the year 2020. Nine out of the ten most popular shows are also available as over-the-air broadcasts.
The below graphic goes even further, letting customers know what they will need to consider in this move, including hardware and services, as well as some good information on picking up those over-the-air broadcasts.
The exact number planning to make the move this year was 11-percent, which is up two percent over last year. The graphic doesn't tell the whole story, but it provides a nice primer to get users started down that path.
Image Credit: Subbotina Anna / Shutterstock