Elections Hit the Net

This fall, the world's first cyberelections will take place, allowing users to vote on how they find sites and communicate with each other throughout the Internet. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) may assign new domain suffixes such as '.union,' '.banc,' and '.xxx,' to distinguish a site with specialized services from the rest of the Internet.
Internet users must register to vote by July 31. Out of the millions of Net clients, only 25,000 have registered. To find out more about the domain suffix changes, visit ICANN's site
To register to vote, sign up here. Here is the info you need to provide, as posted on the site:
1) You must be sixteen years of age or older.
2) You must provide your complete legal name and postal address in the membership application form. If your membership or vote is challenged as part of an At Large audit process, you must agree to furnish suitable documentation of your legal identity, address, country of residence, and age.
3) You must provide a valid Internet email address that is continuously active so that you can send and receive messages from ICANN and participate in its electronic forums.
4) You may not at any time use a fictitious or anonymous name or address in connection with your membership. Violation of this rule will result in permanent cancellation of your membership.
5) You must agree to abide by the rules that are established for participation in ICANN mailing lists and electronic forums. Violation of this rule may result in cancellation of your membership. You will be automatically subscribed to the At Large email announcement list when your membership is activated.