Tweet #betanews, win HP TouchPad

It's another day, and another giveaway. Actually, it's a day late. We received so many submissions to the HP TouchPad caption contest, featuring Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, that we delayed the followup contest by a day.
This new contest ends at 11:59:59 am ET on Saturday December 31, 2011. We'll announce winners some time next week. I'm being iffy on when because we'd rather announce caption contest winners first. But given the number of really good submissions, from which one winner will be randomly chosen, we don't want to rush that one too fast. To qualify for the new contest, you must follow BetaNews on Twitter.
The rules to our next New Years giveaway are simple:
1. Like this post on Facebook.
2. Tweet this post with #betanews hashtag.
3. Follow @betanews on Twitter (if not already)
4. In comments, tell us what you'd like to win next (optionally link to your tweet there).
The very next giveaway -- and you should really watch for it this weekend -- will be a Galaxy Nexus. You'll have to think hard and write brilliantly to get it -- more on what that means when I formally announce the contest.
We'd like to give away one more thing, but we're divided. There have been suggestions of iPad 2, Transformer Prime or Pica projector. Transformer Prime availability (as in not yet) is stickler.
Tell us what you would like to win and in comments "Like" the suggested prizes you would want most to win. Number of Likes will influence but not guarantee choice. For example, I'm sure many of you would Like a flight into space on Virgin Galactic; so would we. That's not happening unless Sir Richard Branson gifts one.
The winner will be randomly chosen from all qualified submissions.