Home Shopping Network previews new Windows 8 apps

This weekend I got a curious text message from my mother: "I’m watching a presentation of Windows 8 on HSN".
I quickly tuned into the Home Shopping Network channel and to my surprise they were actually doing a pretty decent job of explaining Windows 8 (and offering PCs for preorder). They demoed various benefits of the new OS from the apps to the fact that if users are confused by the new interface, the old legacy desktop is a button press away (the windows key).
What shocked me the most was the demo of the Skype app. We knew it was coming but it raises questions: This app is not yet available in the Windows Store so how were they able to access it? Do OEMs have early access to release-day apps? Also, notice the presence of the Netflix app. We also knew this was coming, I just think it’s interesting to see these apps running on devices weeks before general availability.
I’m excited to see a working version of the app, and I think it is solid execution on the part of Microsoft to get this app ready for the launch of Windows 8. Giving consumers the ability to communicate across devices is an essential element of a consumer strategy.
Photo Credit: Robert Johnson