Vimeo and Insider now available for Windows Phone 8
While many of you wring your hands over the whole iPhone versus Android thing, Microsoft is quietly building a mobile platform that has also caused some hand-wringing -- late release, no upgrade path for previous users... not a great start. There has been a lot written about Windows Phone 8 since it was released. With some people saying it's good and others that it's a failure. The truth is, in my opinion, it's just really too early to tell. However, one thing is certain, the Windows Phone Store is growing quickly, with new apps being added all the time.
Today, two prominent new apps appeared in the Store that many of you may want to add to your new handset -- Vimeo and Insider.
Vimeo you probably already know as a YouTube-like video service. The Vimeo app adds a new twist though -- the ability to share videos via NFC. According to the announcement, "Now you can upload, manage, and watch videos from anywhere."
Insider will be more of a mystery. Lisa Stratton of Microsoft says it will allow users to "score new Bing wallpapers and exclusive ringtones for their phones each month." In other words, Insider means "inside Microsoft".
Yes, the Windows Phone 8 ecosystem is growing. Yes the new mobile OS seems to be popular among reviewers. The question is, will all of this actually translate to real sales?