Why do you use Windows Phone?

I am thinking about doing one of my weird experiments, by switching to Windows Phone for 30 days. This would be cold feet for me. I asked Microsoft for a loaner in December 2011 and was promised a device but never received one. So with the exception of scattered minutes inside the local Microsoft Store, I have little experience with the platform. That's not right.
This morning, I emailed the PR person who helped me more than a year ago, but the message bounced; perhaps she moved on to another job. Meantime, while figuring out whom to contact, I have a question for those of you using Windows Phone: Why? For others choosing (or switching to) something else: Why not? Your responses will be excellent start to this journey.
My plan is to coordinate with Surface Pro, which resumes role as my primary PC. I will move from Android and share about that experience, also offering some how-to tips for anyone else looking to make similar move. I could review a device, but my priority is software, services, apps and the general Microsoft lifestyle user experience. I'll migrate completely to Microsoft products and services during the 30 days, so the stories I write will be more expansive than just Windows Phone.
Specifically to Windows Phone, I have several objectives:
- See how well the platform lives up to the "glance-and-go" philosophy
- Assess how satisfying is the overall user experience, especially NUI concepts
- Experience firsthand the apps ecosystem and how it compares to Android and iOS
- Determine how well Microsoft syncs apps, content and services across platforms and devices
- Discover where Windows Phone fits as a digital lifestyle platform alternative to the big two
I'm sure other things will come to mind as the experiment progresses, or if. I still need to obtain a device, whether loaner or purchased outright.
Sadly, the tempting Lumia 920, which colleague Mihaita Bamburic raves about today, isn't really an otpion. I just finished moving the entire family to T-Mobile from AT&T. So, lest I misunderstand, that means either Nokia 810 or HTC Windows Phone 8X.
When I mentioned the idea of the 30-day switch in group chat today, Mihiata told me not to bother if using anything but the Lumia 920. He has experience with all the phones. Surely can get adequate apps, operating system and services experience, regardless of the handset. Right? You tell me, if using any of these devices and Windows Phone 8.
Having been a huge Nokia fan in the past and seeing the apps and services the company brings to the platform, Lumia 810 appeals more to me. Granted, it's kind of an ugly brick, but perhaps plain is great contrast that makes the colorful OS pop even more. If the 8X, I must admit that red really appeals.
For now, I debate about which phone and must obtain one, of course. I'd like your advice for which one and reasons why (or why not) you use Windows Phone. Please answer in comments.
Photo Credit: Joe Wilcox